Damsels in Distress

Chapter 27 Dayna sighed. Lygia thought she had it bad? Hers was only two days away. Dayna’s was four! This was beginning to become boring fast. She sat in a chair, really a very low, very comfy chair, by the fire. The days were getting shorter and colder. Lorri should like that. Every one knew Lorri loved fall best. Where was Lorri, anyway? Oh, she probably just fine. She could handle herself. She stared into the fire, watching the flames do their dances. She slipped silently into a wonderful dream… “Hawkins? What are you doing hear?” He smiled. “It is your dream. Why don’t you tell me?” She laughed. Oh, man. She was falling for this guy. “Hawkins, I can’t love you” His face became clouded, as if at any moment he might be over come with tears. “And why not. I love you. Is it so wrong that you should love me back?” “Well, no it’s just… I’m not the type that falls in love. No guys fall in love with me! I just…I just-“ she looked up into his blue eyes. “Oh, who cares? This is only a dream, right? I can do anything I want.” She jumped up and kissed him. The first kiss in the story. Aww……… She awoke slowly. Man, what a strange dream. Oh, but a good one. She smiled, got into her pjs and hopped into bed. If she hurried, maybe she could finish that… wonderful… dream *yawn* …

Chapter 28 Amy’s day finally came. She was so frightened. But then she thought of AJ. “But fear not. If I perish, I perish” she had said “No. I shall be there to save you” came the reply. She smiled and walked in proudly when her name was called. But as she walked in, her fear crept back over her. There was the king, his son, and some darkly dressed maid that gave her the creeps. She bowed, then raised her head once again just to get a good look at that woman. Oh, gosh!! Lorri?? It was true. There, sitting next to the king, looking very regal indeed was Lorri. Lorri smiled at the look on her face. Amy tried hard not to stair, but could not help it. Lorri slid over to Amminadab’s ear. “My lord, this girl is far to frail and she stares quite to much. Send her back to whence she came. And see no others today. You are tired.” The Baron nodded. He did feel very tired. Once her profile was read, he sent her away and said that no other girls shall be seen that day. Lorri caught hold of Josiah and told him to bring the young girl into her chambers. She waited in her tower room, smiling. There was a quiet knock on the door. “Enter….” Amy walked in. “You sent for me, my lady?” Amy smiled. It seemed there plan was running smoothly. Maybe even a little better than planed “Yes. I wanted you to know you no longer have a chance with the young prince. I, as his future stepmother do not approve of you in the least. Now go.” She turned and looked out the window. Amy stood there, not believing what she had just heard. “You can’t mean that!” “Are you def? Or did I not say GO!” she shouted. Amy, tears filling her eyes, ran out of the room. She ran right into Safire. “Amy? Baby, what’s wrong?” “We gatta find the others,” she sobbed, “It’s Lorri”