Damsels in Distress

Chapter 25 Amy’s time in the castle had not been terrible, for every night, she would whistle, and low and behold, there was Amaza Jamar, ready to scale the castle gate for her. “Romeo, Romeo. Where for art thou, Romeo?” she laughed. “What light through yonder window breaks? Ah! Tis the East, and Juliet is the sun” She gasped. “How did you know that?” He smiled. “Does not everyone? But please, tell me what troubles you. I wish to know, that I might help in any way.” “I only wished to see your face.” He sighed, happily, relived she was all right. “Then look all you like, my maid, but there is not much to look at,” “There is more than you think. From the first time I saw you, I knew you were him. The one. My love. But it is so strange!” “Why is it strange?” “I do not believe in love at first sight! At least, I did not until… until I met you” He smiled. “To tell you the truth, I had given up on love. I have had so many girls whom of which could never understand me. They hurt me and tossed me aside as if I where just another used piece in there game. But you, you know what that is like. I could see it in your eyes. You’re looking for your prince to come. I only wish I could be more of one to you.” She sighed. “You could not. And I wish you not to be anything you can not be.” She looked down into his eyes, so deep it was as if you were staring into eternity. “I thought I wanted a prince. But all I want is you. Nothing else can satisfy me.” He smiled. “Then, I will leave, But I shall be hear tomorrow night, if you wish to call me. When do you see the king?” “Five days from hence. But fear not. If I perish, I perish” “No. I shall be there to save you”

Chapter 26 Lygia lay back on the bed. They had been there for four days now and she did not have audience with the king for two more days! “Ug! I hate waiting!” There was a knock on her chamber door. She arose and opened it. It was an almost hysterical looking Safire. “Fay? Are you all right?” “Have you seen Lorri?” “No… come to think of it-“ “None of us have!! We’ve all seen each other, but never her! What if she was found out? What if they killed her? Or have her in some dungeon, putting her through what they did Golem in ‘The Lord Of The Rings? I mean, she’d die because she wouldn’t tell!!” “Safire?” “What?” “Breath.” Lygia pushed her onto the bed. “Oh, fine. But what about Lorri? Maybe she-“ “Maybe she’s one of the final contestants and she’s being put through a beauty treatment thing like Esther in the Bible?” “Oh. Well, yeah. I guess that could be it. I’m sorry. I’m just so scared. I’m afraid of losing any of you guys.” “You won’t, now go and rest. You have to see the King right after Amy tomorrow”