Damsels in Distress

Chapter 23 Each girl was given a room in the castle. Sadly they could not all be in rooms right next to each other, but they managed to stay fairly close. Amy’s room was next to Lygia’s. Amy was very much pleased, for her window was the very one AJ had mentioned when he told her to call on him. Half way across the castle, Safire found herself next to Dayna. But Lorri only found herself alone. She shrugged it off and went to writing her profile she was to give Asa (the Joey looking dude). She smiled as she thought of him. He was kind of cute…… Naw! She continued her writing. She was one of the first 10 to see the king. The next day, there were no words that could describe her fear. She had never been so afraid. One young man, an attendant of some sorts came to help her. “My lady, you do not look well at all. Please rest” the tall man pulled up a chair for her. She smiled. She was getting used to seeing all these faces. This one was J.C. He retuned her smile. “And whom shall I thank, young man, for coming to my aid?” “Josiah, my lady. But there is need for thanks. I have work else where.” And with that, he was gone.

Chapter 24 “Lorraine of the Woods?” asked Asa. She had chosen that name for she lived for many years on Woods Creek Rd. “Yes?” “You may now see the king” He led her into a grand hall, numerous finely dressed people looking down upon her. They whispered to those around them and Lorri could have sworn gave approving nods. But she couldn’t be too sure. “ Lorraine of the Woods!” Called an unseen voice. She bowed. She looked up. There, on the thrown, sat an old man, with graying hair, pulled back into a ponytail, a long nose and his clothes looked very odd indeed. He looked just like the movie ‘Baron Munchousen’. (If you haven’t seen it, GET IT!!) Beside him sat what she guessed to be his son. He was much younger, with blonde curly hair, blue eyes and a sweet smile, (If you don’t know whom of which I speak, you’re very dull indeed). Asa read off the words she had written the night before, but neither Lorri nor the young price paid much attention. They were locked in each other’s gaze. Oh no, I’m falling in love with Justin all over again. She had had a huge crush on him so many years back. “You may rise, young maid,” said Amminadab. He looked like nothing to be feared, but his voice was. It was dark and cold. She shivered, but complied. “You are the most beautiful thing I have seen in 19 years. Just after I lost my dear wife… I chose not to let you marry my son” her heart sank. Well what the hell was that little speech about? Are you as nuts? “Instead, I shall marry you” She gasped. Well, this certainly was a little off track from the plan. But could definitely be used to an advantage. “Come, and sit beside me” he patted a pillow beside him and she did as she was told, mostly in a daze. “Bring in the next girl!!”