Damsels in Distress

Chapter 19 "Pardon me ladies" interrupted a new voice all the girls looked to the door. There, dressed unusually fine, was Striker. "We have come to lead you and the others to the palace." "Wow. Even an escort," scoffed Lorri as she pushed past him and out the door. Dayna laughed, for instead of his usual pushing back, he just stared after her, mouth agape and eyes wide. "Is she alright?" he asked, still staring after her. "She's fine,” said Lygia, comforting herself as well as the young man. She took his arm and walked out with him to the five beautiful horses that awaited their five beautiful riders. She felt as if this tough, handsome man was a dear older brother. "She just--Oh, I'll explain on the way. Right now, we had better be on our way to the palace" "Right you are,” he said, lifting her onto her horse "We can't have you late to your own wedding," he smiled. The Escort consisted of the five maids, Striker, Amaza and Hawkins. "I only hope he will chose one of us. It would be a great help,” she whispered as they road on. The trail was well worn and quite beautiful. Trees and all kinds of bushes and vines the girls knew not the names of. "The king himself might want on of you. He has no Queen, you see" "No Queen? That might come in handy" She had some degree of difficulty riding. She was quite experienced, but never in a skirt, let alone sidesaddle. But Lorri made her look like an expert. She was always sliding and laughing, Hawkins laughing as he helped her back up. Dayna road behind them, a natural at sidesaddle for some odd reason not even she knew. "I guess I was born to play the part of a lady!" She watched Hawkins and Lorri, her sliding off and he pushing her back on. Maybe I wish I wasn't so good She thought, slapping herself after. How could you want to take that away from Lorri!! Your naughty!! Oh, no! I am talking like Lorri! Naughty? Oh, dear. "Dayna, are you alright my dear?" She shook herself out of her thoughts, almost falling herself. But strong arms and a smiling face caught her. "Lose your balance a little there, my lady?" She looked through his pale blue eyes into his soul. He had no love for Lorri in that way. Only for Dayna. This thought frightened her and she jumped out of his arms. "I am sorry, Hawkins" "Please. Call me Boaz" "Boaz? Um...okay...I...I better get back on the horse" She climbed back up, and heard Lorri’s laugh. They both looked up to see Lorri had already pulled herself up. "You can stay back there, Hawkins!" she yelled back, smiling. "I can handle things up hear!" Hawkins smiled up at Dayna, and despite her want to smile back, she acted as if she had not seen it. What have I gotten myself into? I just wanted some action. I didn't mean a guy!!

Chapter 20 "I see the castle!!" shouted AJ, leading Amy’s horse in the front of the line. They all looked and saw the palace, tall and beautiful in the setting sun. Trees made a gate around it, with large, iron gates. Many flags waved over towers and music could be heard as they walked ever closer to their mission. Both Lorri and Safire felt strange, as if this could be the last time they might see their friends again. Lorri shook off the feeling. Of course they would. But Safire's face showed her pain. She was only glad that her mystery man, the Black Fox did not have to see it. Oh, but she couldn't fall in love!! Not if she was never to come back! "My lady?" Striker came beside her. How was it this young man always knew when a person had too much on their minds? "Oh. I was just thinking. I do that some times...but it hurts" The young man laughed. He had a pleasant laugh. Safire could not figure why Lorri did not see what all the others saw in him. "I have that problem too, fair lady. But fear not. We shall reach the castle in a moment" She sighed. That's what frightened her. But Striker was strong, and that made her strong. He was the little brother she needed. The horses lead them to the tall, now foreboding gates. "This was once a beloved place" said Striker quietly as they went on. "A place where the weak could take refuge and the people could look for answers to their king. No more...no more" Safire wanted to ask how he had known this, but kept quiet. He had just as much on his mind as she did on hers. AJ and Amy were those first at the gate. He pounded on the entrance, a icy and freighting sound came from its innermost parts and the horses would have thrown there riders from them if it had not been for the brave, strong young men walking beside them. A small door opened on one side of the gate. "Are you come about the wenches?" asked a small, ugly man, eyeing the girls in a way that pleased none. Amaza almost flew at him and choked him for calling them 'wenches', but recomposed his thoughts. That is what they wanted them to think. "Yes" he replied, not giving to his inner desires to kill this ugly shadow of what, many years ago, might have been a man. "Leave the horses out side and all weapons,” said the man, shutting the door. Hawkins began to remove the knife from his boot, but Striker patted his shoulder. He looked up and Striker merely shook his head, meaning to leave it. Then they helped the girls from the horses. AJ, of course, helped Amy off first. Dayna slid off before Hawkins had even reached her. "You could be a little kinder to him, you know?" said Lygia as she opened her fan and covered her face. She was disappointed in the way Dayna had not taken to her playing matchmaker. "When I am ready for love, I shall call upon you. Did I just say that like I think I said it?" Lygia nodded. "Dang. What I meant was 'When the time Comes, I shall-' no. That isn't right either. Oh, dang. Leave me alone right now!" She ran up and laced arms with Safire. Lygia just shook her head. She'll come around. "Now, you were going to tell me about Lorri?" asked a familiar voice behind her. "If you really must know, Striker." she took his arm and walked with him behind the others inside the gates. She would try to sum up everything she knew about her rebellious friend, but even a summary could take years. This girl was deeper than she seemed.