Damsels in Distress

Chapter 15 Striker decide to go the short cut, and although terrible scratched up by berry briers, they arrived very early in the evening. They hid behind a large bush and studied the camp. "Ah, looks like we are just in time for a little entertainment. Shall we watch the show?" "But isn't that the Black Fox?" asked Dayna, watching a masked man walk to the clearing that would be his stage. "Ha! No my dear. That fool is Hawkins. The greatest jester and my fondest friend" Lorri stared at the young man ,and though his face was covered, she knew him to be Brian Littrell. "You? Have a friend.......Amazing" He shook his head. "Shut up and watch, damsel" The young man laughed aloud as some unseen musicians began a tune all to familiar to Lorri’s ears.

Only the sharpest eye, the keenest nose, the quickest ear and the fleetest toes
Can ever outfox the Fox
(The men of the camp echoed, "Can ever outfox the Fox")
Only the stoutest arm, the bravest heart, with a magic charm and a good head start
Can ever outfox the Fox
(Can ever outfox the Fox)
Those who try to tangle with my daring do
End up at the angle that herring do
(They hold their head
like every dead herring do)
Only the sprightliest sprite, the nimblest elf, a wicked old witch or the devil himself can ever outfox the Fox
(Can ever outfox the fox)

The hole time he sang, he jumped about, flitting from hear to there as if he were on stage back in the world the girls knew.

Whenever they try to find me
They find me where I am not
I'm hither and yond, I'm there and gone, I'm Johnny-not-on-the spot!
(He whistle as he jump to a low tree branch)
I'm out on a limb they think!
(He whistles again, jumping down)
I'm down on the ground in a wink
My enemies say "Gadzooks! It's spooks!"
Shivering in their socks
They know that they'll never, I'm far to clever
They'll never outfox the Fox!

The Fox
There’s only one of me
Till suddenly there’s two of me
When two is what you see of me
Three of me
That's the proper score of me
Three of us is the core of me
And we can tell you-
Sorry, four of me

There was a short mock battle that ensued in which B-rok cut the three other men in half to reveal 6 little people.

There’s one of me, two of me, tree of me, four of me, five six seven
Sorry, no more of me

The little men began to sing, dancing with Brian’s twin

Each as strong as ten are we
Very stout hearted are we
We're off to fight all wrong
And we'll right it
Right or wrong

Then the young man climbed to the top of an old tree

Because no matter who's the fox they'll never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never outfox the Fox, never outfox the Fox Never outfox the Fox!!!!!

"Hawkins!!!!" shouted Striker, causing him to fall from the tree. "Oh, gosh!!" Lorri ran to help him up. But the young man just laughed. "Mercenary!! You have returned!!" He looked to Lorri. "Thank you, my lady. But I am fine" he arose and hugged Striker. "What brings you hear?" he asked, taking off his mask, the smiling face of Brian Littrell under it. "We have come to help in your masters great battle. To put the rightful king on the thrown." Hawkins seamed dumfounded for a moment, then laughed. "You are trying to steal my job as entertainer! Really, why have you come?" Striker just smiled. Hawkins began to laugh again. "Well, Mercenary, there is no pay for you. Are you sure your up to it?" "Of course. I never change my mind, nor back out of things. You know that." Hawkins nodded "Yes, I do. But please, who are your friends and are they hear for the same reasons you are?" "Yes. We are" said Lorri. She bowed. "I am Lorraine. We have come from quite along was to seek the Black Fox." each of the small group introduced themselves. "Well, I would be proud to fight with you, but the Fox will not let me fight" "To protect you?" asked Dayna. He laughed. "No. To help our group. He believes I am best suited as a jester. A fool to entertain the troops. That I can not fight" "I think you could" said Dayna. Oh ,boy. Thought Lorri with a smile. First Amy, now Dayna. "Come! The Black Fox will want to meet you" "That he will" said a voice from behind.

Chapter 16 "Your friends do very well, Safire" he said. Safire jumped up and hugged all her friends and even the guys. "I knew you would come get me!!" she said, happily. "I'm so excited!!" "Please, Fay! Slow down!" laughed Lygia. "I thought you were a prisoner hear" "She was. But there is much to explain. Come. We shall talk over dinner" He led them all behind more bushes to another clearing. There were many more men, laughing and eating the good smelling food. "There is not much, but you all are welcome" He said, sitting on the ground, his face still covered by the mask. Lorri had figured out his identity too, but said nothing. "Please, explain what you mean by taking one of us prisoner, then saying we are welcome?" He smiled. "Safire has explained to me your want to fight with me. I humbly ask you to help. We are a small group compared to those who claim the right as ruler" "Do you know who is the rightful ruler?" asked Striker. The Black fox sighed. "I only wish I did. I cannot find him anywhere. His family was driven out of the palace long ago and was lost. I will know him when I find him" "How?" asked Lygia. "It is said, the true king will perform a heroic deed, above any other, and in doing so, will reveal himself true and just ruler." Safire was lost, not only in his words, but of the fire in his eyes when he spoke them. Oh, no! She thought, wiping the smiled from her face I can't fall for this guy!! I have to go home someday!! But what if we can’t get home? But what if he gets killed? What if I get killed? What if any of the girls get...... She did not finish her thoughts. She could not. She never wanted to think of that possibility. "Then you are not the ruler?" asked Amaza, a little disappointed. "No, friend. I am not." "Then what do you propose to do, say, if you win the battle, but have still found not the rightful ruler?" Asked Amy. "The people hear have said I am the closest they've seen to the old king. They have asked that I rule. But until it comes down to that, I shall not accept, nor decline there offer" "You have everything worked out, don't you?" asked Safire, once again forgetting herself and falling into the sweet spell of those green eyes. "Well, almost. I just have one thing to clear up" "And what would that be?" questioned Striker. He was feeling strange. Strange, for it felt as if he was a big part of this, and he belonged with these people. Ha, to belong. How would you know what that feels like anyway? "The only thing I am missing... Is a plan of attack"