Damsels in Distress

Chapter 11 The morning was not as hot as the afternoon before. In fact it was quite cool. Each girl had been given a cape to keep warm. No telling how long they would be out in these woods. They walked in two lines, each taking a partner, Lorri walking alone behind. AJ walked with Amy. "Is she okay? I mean, it's none of my business, but..." "Well, like I said, She's had it hard. I mean....when she was little...stuff happened." "You don't have to say it. I think I understand. It was something to do with a man?" "Her father" "That's sick. Poor girl" Amy looked back at her. She was in deep thought. "She's strong" "From what I hear, you are too" She looked up at him, searching his eyes for what he could mean. "Lorri gave me a letter last night" he handed her a note

Dear AJ

I want you to know
Amy is very wonderful
I am going to give you a chance with her
But you break the trust I have in you
You will wish you had never been born
That is a promise
Ask the girls
I ALWAYS make good on my promises
But to tell you a little about this amazing woman you have
She is kind and strong
Her mother has mistreated her
She has basically been a slave for 18 years
She's sweet, kind, and has a heart for others over herself
You’ll find out as time goes by
Treat her good

"She's a little stinker" "But very sweet. Like you" She smiled. “Something tells me you re a kind of Cinderella.” She laughed, “I didn’t think they had that hear!” ‘Everyone knows the Cinderella story… Am I right in thinking you have had time as she did?” Amy nodded, thinking to her mother. The woman was out of her mind. “Well, Maybe someday… you’ll find your prince.” She sighed, leaning her head on his shoulder. I think I already have

Chapter 12 By afternoon, they stopped for a modest lunch. They sat in a grassy spot, close to a river. "I'm going to get some water" said Safire, as she was getting sick of Sprite. The others nodded, and Lygia yelled as she left, "Be careful!!" "Like I'm going to let myself get captured!" She walked down, following the softly flowing river. She knelt down to scoop up the fresh, cool liquid. Ah, so much better than pop. "I wonder...." with out thinking much into it, she jumped into the river. Laughing when she came up, she heard the others shouting for her. "I'm fine!! I jumped in!!" They all laughed and continued their conversations. Safire had fun swimming around. She finally got tired and crawled back to the bank and laid in the soft grass. Before long, there was a shadow covering her. "Okay. You couldn't just shout out 'We're ready' could you?" She opened her eyes, but only to find none of her party standing above her. In fact, this was some masked man. "Oh.... Crap!" she tried to run under his legs, but was grabbed, gagged, and blindfolded. "I am sorry, fair maid, but you must come with us"