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Magnet High School competed in the bridge contest at UCC on February 26th, 2003.

+ This is the area where the bridges will compete.

First up: the novice team. They are also the first ever ALL-girl group.

+ A group picture before starting. From the left: Lucy, Christine, Crystal, Faye.

+ The team's mascot: Easy Cheese (made by Nabisco) with the motto: "It'll be alright..."

+ Ahhh...torsion! Please don't break please don't break...

+ Crystal and I are stackin' up the weights.

+ Our bridge, stocked with weights, but still steady as a rock.

+ Noooooo... it has finally collapsed.

+ Look at the disaster area.

+ A post-crash group picture. Oh yea... our bridge held 141 pounds!

It's finally the advanced teams' turn.

+ Cranford's unglued bridges are always the first to go.

+ The bridges of Magnet's two advanced teams are the last ones standing.

+ Advanced A: I-beams are amazing, but double members at the edges would've helped.

+ Advanced B: Extreme torsion! The bridge has become an "S."

+ A shot of Advanced A's bridge a split second before it went kaput.

+ Advanced A's post-crash bridge.

+ Advanced B's post-crash bridge is in two pieces.

The novice team ended up placing 2nd in their division. The A team placed 1st and the B team placed 3rd in the advanced division. Aren't the Magnet bridge builders awesome?