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Toothless Joes

Toothless Joes:

Unofficial Guide to Sugar Packets

Your source for detailed reviews and recommendations on sugar packets!


Intro: Hi, and welcome to the Unofficial Guide to Sugar Packets. I have recently begun this endeavor by reviewing sugar packets from restaurants and trips I've taken. These reviews are based on the texture, and taste when eating the sugar plain .Recently, every time there is the opportunity, I take a sugar packet and review it. Right now, there are only a few  reviews, but that is because I've only just begun. I have been adding reviews very often recently. These are not in any specific order, 2's are nexts to 5's, ect. I hope you enjoy the site, My rating system is below. Thanks for visiting. (The image in the background is of Domo Kun, a Japanese character seen in commercials. I thought it was kinda cool.)

If you have any reviews of your own, email them to and I will post them on the site as soon as I get around to it.

Rating System: 5 rotten teeth- excellent sugar, some of the best stuff around, highly recommended!

                    4 rotten teeth- Pretty good, only a few problems with it, but still a very good value. Recommended

3 rotten teeth- Okay, if its cheaper than the other stuff, go for it, but otherwise, I'd get something better

                1-2 rotten teeth- Terrible, poor texture, strange flavor, never buy it unless you absolutely must.


Brand, Name Rating, Review
Domino Superfine sugar 5 rotten teeth- This sugar has it all. A strong, bold taste, a good smell, and excellent texture. The texture is its best quality. Its nice and smooth as it goes down your throat, and just makes this sugar the best I've ever had. I loved eating this.  I ate 23 packets straight, and was I active after that, but I slept well that night. Nice work, Domino!
Marca Di Qualita Sugar 4 rotten teeth- This is the review you italian restaurant patrons have been waiting for! This is the sugar with the funny little shef dude on the front, and let me tell you, hhe knows sugar well. Although it was a little too grainy and slow dissolving for my taste, the taste was absolutly outstanding. THis has a taste reminisent of Domino's superfine, by far the best out there. If it weren't for the texture, this would be their rival. This is a great sugar. Next time you're at an Italian restuarant and you see this sugar, I highly recommend you try it, you'll enjoy yourself.
Ellis Coffee Company Sugar Packets  4  rotten teeth- Almost 5, but not quite. What made me give it 4 versus 5 is the flavor. I felt the flavor was a little off. Maybe it was in the restaurant to long, or something was spilled on it, but it had a slightly salty flavor, and just didn't make to 5 rotten teeth in my book. I recommend this sugar for flavoring coffee or tea, not for eating straight out.
White Satin Sugar 4 rotten teeth- This sugar is pretty good, not the best, but good. It is a little gritty when it comes to texture, but it has an excellent flavor. Flavor is good for coffee and tea, this is a flavor sugar. It's  good when eating straight out, just a tad bit gritty. A good buy!
Domino Pure Cane Granulated sugar 5 rotten teeth- Almost identical to the superfine, another good product from domino. It has a good texture, seems finer than the superfine. I recommend it for everything. Good work Domino!
Pine Forest Camp Sugar ***WARNING*** 1rotten tooth- I had this sugar at a camp I went to with school. It had horrible taste, and the worst texture of any sugar packet I've ever used. It wouldn't dissolve in anything, and I needed it for the lemonade, where they skimped on the sugar, making it lemons in water! If you are going to end up at this camp, bring your own sugar. You'll thank me later!!
Ireland Pure Sugar 3 rotten teeth- This sugar is okay...... but I've had MUCH better. It has a gritty texture, and was weak. But at least it's not as bad as the Pine Forest sugar. I only recommend it if nothing else is available.
Adams Mark Hotel Sugar 4 rotten teeth- This sugar isn't bad. The texture is very good, not as fine as the superfine, but very good. Personally I prefer the texture of this over the superfine. The reason I gave it 4 stars is the flavor. It seemed to lack something that other sugars don't. The flavor was a little weak, you would need a few packets of it to flavor coffee or something of that sort. Overall verdict: Great texture, weak flavor, but overall a decent sugar.
Sugar in the Raw 4 rotten teeth-   This is a fun eating sugar. It's like eating rock candy, and it has a good taste too. I never tried it in coffee, but I imagine it wouldn't dissolve well. If you just like eating sugar, than this is a great sugar for that. I highly recommend!
Dixie Crystals Pure Sugar ***WARNING*** 1/2 ROTTEN TOOTH- Horrible, crappy sugar. In fact, this sugar is beyond crap. I would say some stronger words about it, but it may offend some of our younger readers. This sugar is absolutly terrible. The texture is like eating course sand, it doesn't even freakin disolve!!! This sugar stinks! There isn't even a taste to it until you reach the horrid aftertaste. I had to eat something else to get the flavor out of my mouth, and even that didn't work! It sticks in your mouth forever, absolutly horrible!!!!!!!! Soooo painful. Be warned! Never purchase or allow yourself to use this crappy, shotty, terrible excuse for sugar, especially in packet form, as it will eventually kill you (I don't know that, but anything this terrible must do something bad). Please, please, do not use this sugar. This wasn't even deserving of 1 rotten tooth, although because it stick in your mouth so strongly, I'm sure it cause many a rotten tooth. Absolute crap!!
Huletts SunSweet Brown Sugar Packet (this review complements Adam Leader-Smith, thanks!) 3 rotten teeth. a bit worse than sugar in the raw, so it doesn't deserve the same score.- the huletts is good. it's sweet, but it isn't just like pure sweetness. it actually has it's own taste, instead of just being downright sugary. it's a lot like sugar in the raw except the granules dissolve really quickly because on the front it says "quick dissolving sugar" so i think it's their specialty or something. the granules can be a bit unpleasant in the mouth though, because it's like getting a mouthful of sand at first,until it dissolves, which is quick.the taste stays in your saliva for awhile.
Sugar Sugar Sugar by Nugget 3 1/2 rotten teeth- Despite the strange name, this sugar wasn't half bad. It just narrowly missed the 4 rotten teeth mark due to it's flavor. This sugar has an excellent texture, comparable to that of the legendary Dominos Superfine sugar, but the flavor didn't quite make it for me. The flavor was off to the point of a 1-1/2 rotten tooth deduction. Why I am saying this of it is because it was somewhat unpleasant, especially as it initially hits the tounge. This isn't a sugar flavor, I have a feeling it was in the resturant for awhile or something to that effect. The texture was so good, and the dissolving rate so quick I just had to give it 3.5 despite the off flavor. Buy this for the texture and quick dissolving characteristic, not the flavor.
IHOP Sugar by Diamond Crystal 3 rotten teeth- This sugar wasn't absolutly terrible or anything like that, but I must say, I've had much better. The texture was absolutly excellent, nothing gritty about it, that part I truly enjoyed. The weak part about this sugar was its flavor. At first there really is no flavor, then the flavor you do get is kinda strange. I thought maybe something had been spilled on it, so I tried a second packet, and it was still the same. I mean, it's not absolutly terrible, but there is kind of a strange flavor going on in the background that caused this sugar to fall short of making the grade. Although it's probably unnoticable when you use it for the application sugar packets are actually there for, flavoring food, it is noticable when eaten straight.

Photo links will come as soon as I get around to scanning them. When they do come, I won't have photos for all of them as I have lost some of the wrappers.

Creator and webmaster: Cory Luquet- ©2001 Cory Luquet Productions

Questions- email:
