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RollerCoaster Tycoon to the MAX!!!

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Ride Exchange
Park Exchange
Scenario Exchange (Coming Soon!)
Contest Info
Contest Entries
News Archive


Ultimate RCT
Magell's RCT2 Site
Gannon's RollerCoaster Tycoon
Josh's rct Hosting


Congratulations to Psychic Psycho for winning the Hyper-Twister Contest, with his entry of The Fast Lane!!! The runner-up is TycoonMad with Snowy Sleigh-Ride! The certificates will be sent out very soon! You can view all the judging results here.


To check out the progress of the new Ad-Free RCT Max page, click here!

News and Updates

Jan. 16, 2003

Congratulations to the winners of the first ever RCT Max Contests! Don't forget to look at all the judging results! For all you wating for the ad-free RCT Max, you can click here to check on its progress! There won't be very many updates in the next couple weeks, because I will e busy building the new site! So long until then!

Jan. 15, 2003

Well, I have decided to drop the Screenshot contest. In other news, the forums aren't working!!! So, I decided to get new ones! They won't be up for a while, so be patient. And, RCT Max will soon be getting a new home... without banners or popups!!! That's right! I have decided to move the entire site to Freewebs! I am giving the site a new look, and there is a lot of HTML to go through, but in the end, I think you'll like it. Be sure to check in tomorrow to see the Contest Winner!!!

Jan. 9, 2003

Once again, nothing to update, but I am pleased to say that the winners for the Hyper-Twister contests will be released in just a couple days!!! And why haven't I recieved anything for the Screenshot Contest? That contest was supposed to be so easy, but maybe if I don't recieve any entries I should just go on to the park contest. Post something in the Forums if you think this contest should go on. And I would like something to update once and a while! Send in stuff!

Jan. 6, 2003

Well, I try to get back on daily updating, but there is nothing to update!!! Send stuff in, whydoncha? Anyway, I will be delayed in releasing the winner of the Hyper Twister Contest, because one of my judges dropped out on me. I have sent a special email to Hobbester and Drizzit, to see if they are interested. No updates, because I have nothing to update! Please send in more rides and parks!!!!!!!!

Jan. 1, 2003


Well, let the Wacky Screenshot Contest Begin!!! Remember! You can still enter the RCT2 Coaster Challenge!

Dec. 31, 2002

Well, it's the last day of 2002, and as we look on into the new year, there is a Wacky Screenshot Contest you can enter! Results for the Hyper Twister Contest will be released about on the 8th, give or take. I may be working double time, on URCT as the Ride Exchange manager. I hope Jassur (URCT) does something for me. I will continue to keep this site first priority.

Dec. 30, 2002

See, I told you I'd get back to daily updating. I recieved an entry for the Hyper Twister contest, and two for the Coaster Challenge. TycoonMad, I believe yours was for both contests, which is totally OK. I added my own entry for the Coaster Challenge, a Giga named Hot Blooded. I also added a Giga to the Ride Exchange, from TycoonMad. Thank you TycoonMad for all your hard work.

Dec. 29, 2002

You all know that URCT has an Offical Coaster, right? Well, I began thinking: "Itsa, why don't you have an offical coaster?" So I went ahead and built one. You can download it here or from the Ride Exchange. It is wooden, articulated trains.

Name Type Creator Game Excitement Intensity Nausea Rating Description Download
Official RCTMax Coaster
Itsacoaster RCT2 7.54
10/10 The Official RCT Max Coaster that represents the true RCT Dedication of the RCT Max Website
Download Now!

Dec. 28, 2002

I'm back from my holiday vacation! Sorry I haven't been here in a while. I added a few items to the Exchange, added the Contest Entries, and the possibility of a Scenario Exchange! I have one scenario, but I won't put it up until I get more! Most of all, I ADDED THE CONTEST ENTRIES!!! Please take note of the headline at the top of the page. Maybe I forgot to mention that we have a new affiliate - Gannon's RollerCoaster Tycoon! Check it out! I still need more rides and parks! I won't be busy for awhile, so I hope to get back to semi-daily updating. Sorry if I kept you waiting!

Dec. 1, 2002

I made the site more friendly to look at, thanks to many requests. Also, I added the Contest Entries section of the site, featuring our so-far only entry. Don't forget to send in those entries!

Nov. 29, 2002

THE CONTESTS START TODAY!!! Check them out! There are FOUR CONTESTS that you can enter! Get those coaster-building skills ready! Click on Contest Info to see the contests!

Nov. 28, 2002

Added brand new forums that are MUCH BETTER!!!!! Be sure to check them out and give them a try!

Nov. 26, 2002

A couple of things. First, I HAVE RCT2!!! Second, my computer was in the shop being fixed, hence my absence. I added the First Park. Also updated the Ride exchange. Sorry again TycoonMad. I hope to see many more parks and rides! I hope there are no further delays in updating.

News Archive
