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The Incredible Pointless Website

A Pointless List of Pointless, Random Things

Hello! And welcome to my little speck o' internet. If you happen to be here, it is most likely due to one of these three reasons: 1. You are a friend or family member of mine. (Hi! what do you think of my latest endeavor?) 2. This is the result of some terrible surfing mistake. (You poor, poor, net head.) 3. You are under the influence of some sort of narcotic, and thought that this site looked interesting. Well, for whatever reason, you are here, and there's very little you can do about it, so you may as well read something, right? Feel free to todder about and explore this website. E-mail me if you like, my inbox is a very lonely place, and I think that my junk mail would enjoy a little company. Keep in mind that this is my first attempt at this, so I would greatly appreciate it if you didn't sign my geustbook under the pseudonym of Seymore Butts, and leave some wonder of literary capability like "You really suck at this, you stupid and most likely ugly person." And all those cyber messages and symbols I have yet to comprehend. Aside from that, have some fun and don't keep any high expectations about this little thing!! : ) Peace, Love, And Whatever the Hell This is: *l* , Jill The Not So Great (formerly Jill The Reasonably Okay) Please sign my geustbook! It has remained untouched since the stone age!!
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Magical Mystery Links!!!

About Me!! (If you dare to inquire.)
My friend Julie's site, I like Julie, can't say the same about her taste in music. But she's my friend, so here's a link.
