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Notice Board!!!

Adopt Me!

(Put your mouse over a pictur for a descripton!)

My Mummy, Stephanie060492!!! She helped me too make my Nurs-wey :)
Ice Cweem!!! I LOVE Mint and Stwarberry flavours... Chocolate... YUM YUM YUM!!!

Kairit!!! Her username in Neopets is Krac15... She is one of my BESTEST fwiends :D All of my other fwiends... I like them a lot... Illusen! I think she is much better than dat nasty Jhodora :)

Skammers... Uggh Hackers... One word: EVIL!!! Art Stealers... Why can't they draw dere own picturs?

Krawks... Who would want to be born in a cave??? Coocumber... Gross...

Jhodora... Ick... No comment...
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Hewwo! and Welcome, stephanie060492. My mommy says that i can show yew awound my Nurse-wey. Its my Nurse-wey for baby Neopets when deres nobody two look after yew.

Where wood you like too go furst??
Inside de Nurse-wey!
A bit about mee!
Notice Board!
My Fwiends!
My Life Storee!
Sign the Paw Book!

I am going two shrow you the Artee Pen first. Peaz reember that dis pictur is not actal size. This is where all de baby Neopets draw and paint picturs. The Artee Pen has de bluu carpet.

The pinkie thing in de corner is a sign that that is de Painting bit of the Artee Pen. I remember when I drew a pictur of my owner, stephanie060492. She put it on de wall in de shop. The darkee bluu sign in de next room is de drawing room where yew use de little round thingys with de coloured thingeys called... um... pencils, yeah thats what dere called, pencils.

De bit wiff de sort of pinky-red coloured carpet is de Book Area. The gween sign in de corner is de L-l-lib- "Its a Library, Arcanine" fank-you Mummy, it's de Library. Den de other big woom with de orange sign is where yew have too weed your boooks.

De bit wiff de gween carpet is... is um, well nobody nos! Its Top Secret and nobody nos what gos on in dere! Dere is lots of diffrent ideas of what gos on like de teaters have a parrtty in dere wen we have gone home to are Mummies and Daddies.

De bit wiff de yellow carpet is where we hang are coats and put all are stuff to take home.

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The top part of my page is de Nurs-wey, but de bit at de bottom is de bit about me

My name!
If yew want too look at my owner then click above!
Dats how old I am!
Dats what level I am at!
Dats how strong I am!
Dats how fast I am!
Dis is how good I am at defending myans MS" size="2#" color="#000000"> My Fwiends!

Krizz is my bestest bestest fwiend ever!!! We've been fwiends since we were both born, when she was blue, and i was red!!! She likes to play games and play in da park with mee!!! She has a cool petpage to! Go and look!

Charger is also one of my very good fwiends, she helped me to check my web-page lots of times!!!

Lumivalge is really my sister's (Sparkle) fwiend, as Lumivalge used to be an Ixi too! But she sometimes comes and plays with mee! She is gonna be an Ixi again soon! Her sister is Krizz!

Jun is one of my NEW fwiends! She/he is at the lab sometimes too... him/her and Trinzah take it in turns...

Trinzah is a new fwiend of mine as well!!! He/she is the main lab-pet in their family...
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My Life Story

More coming sooooon!!!!
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Sign my Special Paw Book

Sorry but the Paw Book is down for a while :(
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Leaving sho soon?!?

*Arcanine hands you a book, and you wonder what in Neopia it is. She motions for you to open the book. As you do so, you see the following text*

If you want too come back too my Nurs-way then copy de text beneath one (or more!) of the picturs and paste it in youre shopp or webbie. Fank-you!

*You turn the pages and find a load of pictures. You choose one.* Peel it off! Go on! And stick it on your webbie or shopp!!

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Checkered Christmas
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Desert Electric
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Island Mutant Orange
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Yew can only uuse theze adoptables as long as yew keep thee link to my Nursery... Don't copy!!!

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