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So, First of all, the obvious question, what is rping? It's quite hard to answer, but I'll attempt so you're not totally in the dark. Basically RPing is where you take a different character and be them. Normally it's in a chat room or on a forum, you interact with other people as your character would.
A lot of the time RPing involves conflict or romance, since just sitting around in a tavern talking is really not that interesting, you could be doing that anyway!
So basically, that's RPing, being someone else online...ok, so that doesn't sound too different to what some people do normally, but people *know* you're being someone else, considering it's very unlikly you're actually a 345 year old faerie, or an 18 year old thief/assassin with fox ears and tail... Plus it's fun, give it a chance.

One of my characters, Kara.
Base by Shouri

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