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VIDEOS: woo.. arighty.. videos.  Nothing so "woo" but.. uh, yeah.. wateverz.  Enjoy.
PS: i made it so that ya ppl dont hafta downlaod to watch it.. unprofessional.. yea,i kno ..cauz i too lazy LoL. :-P

NOTE: To play (either) roll your mouse over it -or- left-click and click "play"

--me pullin' jamie while filmin'


--woohoo this time jamie was pullin' me, hehe


-me pullin' jamie.. she got off the board again and i went flying and this time i fell.. the ground was soo f'n hot!!  oh man, we looked so stupid.. haha thats the whole point so its all good :-P fUnNay

-jamie pullin' me while i tried filmin' ourselvez


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