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SpiRiTuaL AnGeL

HeYaZ ppl! Thanx for visiting my website! Heavenz Gate is actually better than dis one so check it out! Heavenz Gate is gonna haf movie reviewz, new moviez coming soon, picz of mah fwendz and loadz of otha stuff so b sure to check it out!!! Also Don'T 4get to visit da Polar Bear House!!! itz still empty but check for updateZ! This website has no actual purpose yet... so b4 itz gonna b turned into somethin.. it'z gonna b kindda empty n weird! So ppl.. GIMME IDEAS!!!

Em.. Farica ToLd Me To PuT DiS PiC On.. ItZ CasiLLaS da football player...i think he'z ugly but Farica thinkz hez cute.*SiGh*

you can also check out da 5566 website but itz not fully done yet. ^.^

MuSt CheCk OuT WeBSiTeZ!!

HeAvEnZ GaTe ^.^ - a really cute website
PoLaR BeArZ HoMe!! ^.^
MvP QiNg ReN, 5566