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THE CUTEST ONE EVER!!!!!!!! Meeting you was fate. Becoming your friend was a choice. But falling in love with you was beyond my control.

Want to come to my Christmas dinner? I need an angel for my tree.

If you think you're going to regret this in the morning, we can sleep till noon

If I were Peter Pan, you would be my happy thought.

I saw you and my stock went up three shares

You just activated my launch sequence

how do u talk 2 an angel

uve got the best smile

id never thought that id meet some1 like u

can i steal a kiss

life is good cuz of u

On the sixth day God made you and said, "Perfect."

Take me to the institution -- I'm crazy about you.

Last night I looked at the sky and matched each star with one of your qualities. I had to quit 'cause I ran out of stars

When you walk to the school in winter, does the snow melt around your feet?

You confuse me -- you're sweet as an angel, but hotter than hell.

Aphrodite called for you -- she wants her beauty back.

I'd tell you about the dream I had last night, but you already know -- you were in it.

It's been a while since my tongue has had a workout. Wanna be my physical trainer?

Life without you is like a broken pencil... it has no point.

God outdid himself when he made you

It's my duty to please the booty!

Here I am. What were your other two wishes?

How many times a day do you get asked out? I'm thinkin' at least 20.

The average person only spends 2 weeks of their life kissing. Why don't we start now and see if we can beat it?

theres more than 1 way 2 open unwrap a starburst

i had a dream bout u las tnight, wanan re act it?

Compared to you, Aphrodite looks like Medusa.

Earthquake! Quick! Under the covers!

Leaving so soon? Too bad, I was just about to hit on you.

I hate to see you leave, but from here it’s great to watch you go.

If guys are blue and girls are pink, what do you say to us making purple?

Here’s a quarter to call heaven to let them know you’re lost.

My shoes are having a party later. Why don’t your pants come on down?

It looks like someone shoved two fine Christmas hams down the back of your dress.

Survivor pick-up line: I vote your pants off the island.

Let’s get off on the right foot and do all the wrong things

Are you a twin? 'Cause you're twice as beautiful as anyone I've ever seen.

I never believed in predestination... until I met you.

Seeing someone as beautiful as you is like seeing a solar eclipse -- it happens just once in a lifetime.

I thought you should know that I’m going home to make love to you, and I would really like it if you were there in person.

I just bit my tongue. Can you kiss my boo-boo?

How do you do it? ("Do what?") Get prettier every time I see you.

Some people think money can get you a woman, but I think you’re priceless.

Are you free tonight? Or is it going to cost me?

Wanna play doctor? Shall we go through a thorough exam or head straight to malpractice?

So, how big is your boyfriend? Just trying to figure out how badly I’m going to get beat up for taking you away from him.

Retired nurse wants willing patient who enjoys body casts, elastic bandages, and syringes. An affinity for bedpans a plus! Gender not an issue

You're like honey barbecue sauce: Hot and sweet at the same time.

You're so fine, even a jewelry store couldn't put a price on you.

I hereby place you under arrest for violating code: 0569 - disturbing public with your extreme good looks and sex appeal. Remain silent and report to my apartment.

Desperately seeking schmoozing! Retired male desires female companion, 70-plus, for kvetching, kvelling, and kretchzing. Under 30 OK, too.

Obessive guy needs female test subject to test-drive new ways of stalking my ex, and for discreet short-term relationship.

Hunka-hunka burning love. If you've got the fire, I've got the hose. Seeking a workbench to park my tool. Looks not important, but must be disease-free. Quadrupeds, mutes welcome.

Excuse me, I seem to have misplaced my ice cream cone... may I lick you?

Wanna plug your cord into my amp?

If I had to pay to see you smile, I would work till my feet were bleeding.

Actually, I was winking at your friend, but I guess you're all right too.

I haven't even talked to you yet, but I'm already putting you at #5 on my speed dial.

You must be a collector's item -- I'm sure heaven only made one of you.

If I kiss you, will you shut up?

The only thing your eyes haven't told me is your name.

Your daddy must be an electrician, 'cause you turn me on.

You know why I hate breathing? Because with every breath I get reminded that I can live without you.

If it were possible, I would pluck the brightest star from the heavens, and offer it to you as a gift to wear around your neck, although, I am afraid that it would hardly glow, next to your beauty.

Is your personality as beautiful as your eyes?

I noticed you noticing me and I'd like to put you on notice that I noticed you too

I'm sorry, could you repeat what you just said? I couldn't hear over that choir of angels that starts singing every time I see your face.

You: Thanks. Them: For what? You: For existing

Is your name Moses? 'Cause you just took me to the promised land!

Baby, you so hot, I should probably buy you an antifreeze on the rocks.

God paid for our sins. Let's get our money's worth.

I'd love to date you. But I don't date criminals, and you just stole my heart.

You've got needs. I've got needs. So let's go back to my apartment and help the needy.

If I got a teardrop every time I thought of you, I would drown in a day.

Do you like foreigners? Cuz I got Roman hands and Russian fingers.

I wanna kiss you 'till the cows come home. And since I don't have any cows, we might be here awhile.

I saw you looking at me from across the room... I'll give you a moment to catch your breath

Being sexy is a hard job, but you're abusing the privilege.

You got a new haircut? I'm sorry I didn't notice, I couldn't get past your eyes.

How 'bout I periodically examine your elements?

My life was fine until you came around. Then it got better.

My car just broke down. Can you jump me?

I'm not in love with you because you're someone I could live with. I'm in love with you because you're someone I can't live without.

My bed isn't very comfortable -- can I sleep in yours?

If I said you were the sweetest guy in the world, do you think I'd win the award for Biggest Understatement Of All Time?

Wanna swap microorganisms?

Can I borrow you for an hour? Okay, how about a few minutes, then?

If God gave me an extra day for each part of you that's beautiful, I'd live forever.

Is your mom as pretty as you are?

You gotta stop saying things that make me want to kiss you

Hi. Uh. Yeah. So, I, uh, play drums, you know?

I don't want to kiss you -- I just want to tell your lips a secret!

My name might not be Elmo, baby, but you can tickle me all night anyway.

I just got back from the doctor -- he said that I'm very, very sick, and the only thing that'll cure me is if you give me a chance.

Want to come over and meet my sheets?

Do you have a license to drive me this crazy

If I follow you home, will you keep me

Kiss me if I'm wrong, but weren't we just about to make out?

You have two hundred and six bones in your body. Want another?

I bet my tongue can beat up your tongue.

If you were president, you'd be Babe-ra-ham Lincoln.

Wanna ride on a roller coaster? If it gets bumpy, you can hang on to my love handles.

Do you have 35 cents? I promised to call my mom when I met the man of my dreams.

If I promise to love you forever, will you promise to love me tonight?

I lost my virginity. Can I have yours?

Gotta Band-Aid? I just scraped my knee falling for you.

Babe, your beauty makes the morning sun look like a cheap rip-off of the moon.

Pick a number between 1 and 10. Sorry, you lose. Now you have to kiss me

Hey, are you one of those chicks who goes out with guys right off the bat? 'Cause that's what I'm looking for.

If you thought the Mona Lisa was a masterpiece, you oughtta try looking in a mirror.

My diet forbids desserts, but after seeing you I think I'll quit.

You have some nerve walking in here like that. What do you think this is, a catwalk?

So what's your theory about dreams featuring trains going through tunnels?

It's the will of God, baby.

Hey babe, do you realize that my mouth can generate over 1000 psi?

If I had to pay to see your smile, I'd go in debt.

You know how some guys buy fast cars to make up for what they lack? I'm a pedestrian.

You're the dream that hasn't ended, and I'm still anxious for the rest.

There you are! Where have you been? You were supposed to be in my bed five minutes ago!

I'm sorry for staring, but you look exactly like my future ex-boyfriend.

Damn -- all those curves, and me with no brakes!

I know you think I'm cute, but you can go ahead and tell me anyway

I'm here, you're here -- we already have something in common!

I've got a Swanson's dinner in the freezer with your name on it!

You be Romeo, I'll be Juliet, and we'll just skip ahead to the kissing part, okay?

It's women like you that make me believe in God.

Excuse me, but I think I dropped something. My JAW!

Are you stalking me? 'Cause that would be super.

Hey! I suffer from amnesia! Do I come here often? Hey! I suffer from amnesia! Do I come here often?

Stand still so I can pick you up!

Do you have a quarter? I told my boyfriend I'd call him when I found someone better.

What's a nice girl like you doing in a dirty mind like mine?

All my life, I imagined exactly what the girl of my dreams would look like, and it seems I made a mistake. I thought your eyes would be blue.

Okay, here's a question for you: What do you get when you have an extremely hot guy and a drooling girl? Give up? You and me.

Can I bite your bottom lip?

I may not be the best-looking guy here, but I am the only one talking to you.

What's a tramp like you doing in a classy joint like this?

You move like butter on a bald monkey.

I'd give you chocolate, but you're so hot, it would melt.

Hey -- I'm tired, you're tired, so why don't we just sleep together?

That's okay -- you can keep talking. I like watching your mouth move.

I apologize for staring at you from across the room all night long. I should have gotten a better seat hours ago.

Please don't leave -- just talking to you is making me the envy of all my friends.

I'm a sucker for nice eyes -- I hope you are, too.

You might as well forget about makin' it to Heaven, darlin', 'cause it's a sin to look that good.

I may have girly hands, but they have manly intentions!

Is your tongue ring made from steel? 'Cause you should know -- my tongue's a magnet.

I'm going to give you a quarter so you can call your mother to tell her you won't be coming home tonight.

Let me check out your tag -- yep, just what I thought. "Made in Heaven."

I want you more than a bottle of water at band camp.

You make me sweat like I'm a fat man chasing a runaway doughnut.

I've never kissed a girl with a tongue ring before. Can I try?

Can I tell you a secret? Underneath my coat, my jacket, my sweater, my sweatshirt, my thermal undershirt, my t-shirt, and my bra -- I'm not wearing anything.

I have a flirting test tomorrow -- wanna help me study?

My friends tell me I talk too much -- wanna help me otherwise occupy my mouth?

Wow! Nice shoe size!

My multiple personalities would like to know which one of us you'd like to date.

Heya. My friend back there wants to know if you think I'm hot.

You'd look great in my prom picture.

I'd give you the key to my heart, but I think you already picked the lock.

Your name must be Petri, 'cause you're a dish!

Hi! I'm Mr. Right! I was told you were looking for me?

My friends call me Skittles -- wanna taste the rainbow?

My boyfriend said it's okay if I date other people while he's in prison.

No wonder it's so grey outside -- all the pretty blues are in your eyes.

I'm jealous of germs, because they get to be with you all of the time.

My mom says I'm handsome -- what do you think?

Hey, baby! Would you like a Vegemite sandwich?

My only goal in life is to make you smile.

If you were a pair of pants, I'd wear you out.

I have a job, money, a house, a car, and a dog. Will you be moving in today or tomorrow?

Wow! Your hands are huge!