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Spaight Page

Check out the Spaight links

Spaight Says!
Spaight's very own page!
Songs about Mr. Spaight!
Join the Fanclub!!!
Wanna know more about Spaight?

December 21, 2003: Spaight has made it into...yes...the New York Times!!!!! His short commercial thingy called "Bush Cheney Auto World" was mentioned. If you want to make sure that he wins, vote at (I'll get in trouble for hyperlinking you all), and vote for his among one thousand others (yes, you have to watch them all, precious)

September 25, 2003: Spaight has made it into the Review:
Student: I don't know the Honor Code by heart.
Spaight: Just copy it off of somebody else's paper.

September 12, 2003: I have been informed by a member of the Class of 2007 (this year's Freshmen) that many of you have heard about the SFC and are interested. However, you were deterred due to your lack of a URL. I have given said fish the URL, which should make its way around shortly. Please, have a look around, and don't forget to send me feedback!

May 13, 2003: The President of the Spaight Fan Club as well as its members would like to thank Mr. Spaight for his wonderful brownies.

May 12, 2003: I would like to point out to Mr. Spaight and all others that 37 times is not too many times to see the Lord of the Rings:Fellowship of the Ring Special Extended Edition. Thank you.

April 24, 2003: Mr. Spaight has discovered our website! Word is out! Consequently, we thought that we's brighten up your day with his response:
"I don't know if I should be flattered or worried..."

In response to the number of people who have been asking me to link to Mr. Spaight's project page, I have one thing to say:
"Give him a break! Don't scare him too much...Besides, it wouldn't help him in getting any sponsors for his project if they knew about this, now would it?"

We pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of Spaighterica
And to the History classroom, in which it stands,
One nation, under Spaight, with brownies and human sacrifices for all.

Okay, so maybe I am obsessed...

get this gear!
days 'til the release of Lord of the Rings!

In response to comments on the number of visitors to this page, it got reset a while ago. To find out the real number, add 367 to the number below.