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Alright, i apologize, but i;m gettin screwed again in the website industry. First they cancel my game site... but, anyway, what happened is my site uses Frames, which is like loading multiple webpages on 1 main webpage. So when you clikc a link, it loads in a particular portion of the webpage and the rest of the webpage stays the same. Now, the only way to do this is to have those retarded pop-up ads that every1 hates (angelfire makes u have them, cause they want ad revenue). Now, what they started doing is... putting ads on the actual page too, which completely fucks my frames. An example is like the 1 on the bottom of this page. Also, the ads mess up some of the special wbe stuff i have... like on the stupid page. If you clikc the link below... there's an ad RIGHT in the middle of the text... it friggin SUX ASSSS! So, i gotta switch web servers or somethin. I dunno. They screwed me tho. Bastards...


Oh, and i dunno if every1 knew this, but I've had games on my site for a while now. Here's a link:

The 1st Look...

The 2nd look...