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This is Helen pippin took ted theadore logan phillips! She plays bass and is learning the guitar. And she also Sings and is very random.

This is Abbie merry brandybuck bill S preston esquire Jebson, shes mad random sings and plays the guitar! BEWARE : EXTREMLY RANDOM


Hope you all have a great holiday eat loads, drink loads, be merry loads! and SLEEP LOADS!!! WOOHOO! just to prove how much our friends think were random. I (abi) got oli and spaden comin up 2 me last thursday handin me a christmas card saying 'we saw this and thought of u so merry christmas', IT IS OFFICIALLY THE BEST CHRISTMAS CARD I HAVE EVER GOT , especially since they stole it off the I.T room wall just for me!!! :) !!! so here is the card (or picture) (scanned obviously):


Every week we list up the name of one lucky person who wins our gay person of the week award-yes its an honour!Ive also now put pictures of the winners on the website - hope you have no objections!!! Our gay winner for this week is:

Nominated by : Hannah Cartwright beacuse - 'he looks like an ape and hes a beast'

Nominations so far for next weeks gay of the week award are as follws:

SAM HARRISON - Nominated by : NUMEROUS PEOPLE (and not me for a change) cos 'hes an all round cock'
ALEX ERSKINE Nominated by : HANNAH DAY 'wot a cock'


as well as a gay person of the week award we have the dude of the week award, this weeks dude award goes to:

Emm wins cos she coloured in 50 textiles boarders in to help with my coursework! aint that swcheet! and she just generally roks in ecery way! WOOHOO!

Nominations for next weeks dude of the week so far are as follows:

EDDIE IZZARD - Nominated by : ABBIE cos hes wet ure pants funny and everyone should watch im - literally
PETER HOLMES - Nominated by : PETER HOLMES (seconded my moi - scabz) COS - NOONE ELSE IS GIVING ME DAMN NOMINATIONS AND SO THIS IS WOT IT HAS TO RESULT IN!!! - and of course cos hes a dude ahem!
JIM HORTON - Nominated by : SARAH SHARMA cos 'he is a fit arse!'
EMMA JEBSON - Nominated by : ABBIE cos shes my sister, she roks, and she coloured in bout 50 coursework A3 boarders for me! :) !

no other nominations for the award as yet. Keep em comin by guestmap or email, or txt or msn (if u know hu we r!) so as u go through the week, remember wot people do and say to u and get them back for it! keep ure eyes posted for the nominations of next weeks awards.

The dude and gay of the week award is waiting for your nominations u know the email & where the guestbook (guestmap) is!, send us in your ideas and why u wanna nominate them for the dude / gay of the week award!


hey there people! this is our completely random web page full of completely random stuff! we (helen and abbie) love being completley random sooo thats y we built a whole website devoted to it!!! HHEHEHAHAHAH! hope it amuses u! weve included as much random stuff as we can think off, some of which is hard to remember! Hope your all kool and groovy and speak to u all soon! TTFN!!

Hey! (its abbie),Hannah (one of mine friends) had a partay on the 21st of september! and ive FINALLY condensed the TWO photo albums that i did have into one big one!(pert party pics) so feel free to have a browse!

Here's the link to our guestbook guestmappy thingy! basically it takes ages to load so wait for it, then drag and drop the flashy arrow on the top rite of the screen to ure location and drop, then wright in the boxes- it couldnt be more easy so leave us ure messages and nominations for dudes/gays of the week PLEASE!:


Links to the rest of the site

Our Band
Helens Page
Previous Dudes and Gays of the week!
Abbies a.k.a Scabus Page
!!!Perts Party Pics!!! Now in one big album!
Really Random Sermon Jokes!!!
Seriously Random
Abbies Songs

Our favorite things...(not in order of preference)

  • food
  • friends
  • family
  • music
  • playing guitars and stuff
  • eating
  • drinking
  • being random