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Doom 2D


Monday, April 27, 2003

Still more comics. What can I say, I've got a boring-ass math class. I also added some classic Skullbitch singalongs to the writings area. These are of the "x bottles of beer on the wall;etc, etc;x--;" variety. Enjoy.

Wednesday, April 9, 2003

I uploaded my latest passel of comics. The quality almost went in the gutter, but I saved it. I've been writing but it will be a while before I type it up and put it up here. Stupid College. Stupid, stupid papers.

Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Incredible! Amazing! Startling! An Update! Yes! A significant one! Finally the Random section contains something! Added the comics section! My comics will be put up as I draw them. If your the luckiest person in the universe maybe I'll put up some of my old ones. Changed the script section to include my other random writings. Eventually I'll dredge up the weird shit I wrote for english class and put it up here. Does anyone actually read this?

Monday, January 20, 2003

Hmm. I'm in college now so the probability of the doom game being worked on continues to plummet. After 20 days up, this site continues to have little to no point. Booyah. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2003

This page exists! Now it can sit here, unviewed by the general population of the web for all eternity! There might even be update from time to time! Wow! 
