Leyna's WinAmp Skins!

I've been wanting to give something back to you people who all graciously visit my site. and i thought hey why don't i just put my winamp skins on there... and well here it is... TAA DAA... um... here ya go...

Download: Argh!
ok I had to do soemthing with this pic... hehe... ^_^ it's just so... constapated like LOL!

Download: Not Enough Chii
I noticed that there are not many chii skins. Sad huh? so I made one! and i thought it came out pretty nice compared to the older ones ^_^

Download: Lain Music
I made this because I just like lain. and I think the guitar suits teh music atmosphere... i didn't really knwo what the hell to put as the title of everything so I just put whatever i felt like. ladedoda

Download: Kitty
This was my first winamp skin EVER! I made it from a signature picture contest pic i entered... sadly i lost the first round oh well i still like my pic! *husg it* anyway i made a iwnamp outta it! and here it is... although the quality is crappy... it has heart! hehehe?

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