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El-Stevo's Site

Here tis it be! It's the new, updated version!!!! Welcome to my site HA! I love one else...except my parents(well err...) I hate people(damn kids...*shakes fist*)Anywho, i'm a fun-lovin chick who, of course, loves to have fun...i like to DANCE lol...don't make fun! i Also am into music so, spiritually....nothing can come inbetween me and my music and if it does (this is fair warning, i believe) then i think i'm going to have to scratch it's eyes out, pull their brain out of their nose, and rape them.I also love my brother and sister even though they think otherwise. By the way, they're not my blood siblings. That's why i added that little extra there...Damn you know what? nvm i don't other thing i HATE is just sitting around not doing anything and waiting for something exciting to happen...i wanna just go out there and do stuff but i can't bc i have no ride...i really like school but hate it bc people are just stoopid and should pretty much die. OR ELSE. wo0t! look! an UPDATE!?!?!?! How awesome! lol so you guys...looks like we have a few visiters...or not! hahaha syke! i just wanted to tell everyone that i MIGHT be making a new band since Drunken Bunnies didn't quite work out the right way. Oh well. Anywho, yeah so..if you wanna tell me about your skills, email email's at the bottom of this like Nike and JUST DO IT! Lata Gatas!


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