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Scat's in the city

so I’ve finally gotten around to updating my page, & the first thing I decided is that I’m gonna try & make it a monthly effort because basically i have a life to get on with,by doing it monthly it give's me the chance to keeping it down to the best thing happening in scat’s life, & that should at least give you a grin.

so let's get on with it!!

it's going back a bit but i think it's worth telling you this,Jan 25th was my sis’s birthday & her other half, popped down on the sat so could do something to celebrate, we had a meal & went to the local fun place “leisure west” where we had a game of bowling,(which we ebded up getting free thanks to the aruging power of the other half & my sis, pitty that manager) the place also has a lot of arcade machines & my favorite has to be the dance machines, I love to do what i call my “Mick with a shovel” (you'd have to see it to understand what I mean) anyway there was a guy already on there & he’d been playing it for a while, I think it kind of gave it away when he turned around & started dancing the move’s without looking at the screen,

Some people need to stay in more !!!!

Anyway moving on i've started to do some work for a dj'ing agency so i'll let you know the what's when's & how did it go

"Things we REALLY hate this week"

the woman on the add for the frahitas you know the one "well make me another & i'll tell you"
man she needs a boot up her hole

"where's scat?"