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<i>El' BIPO!</i>

THE SIMS Photo Album of HORROR!~and~ The Habbo Hotel Experience!
The Sims Photo Album
Here lies the pictures that you've been waiting to see. Scared yet? No?Well you should be.

Everlast and Acorn

The Room mates

Another link could be had here

Here is where a savvy HTML LIbrary user would place another link

A "hyper-link" could go here

The Habbo Hotel Experience
Do you dare explore my odd topsy,turvy world in habbo?Some things may scare you or even derange your mind, so take caution when you click!

The Habbo Credits Generator(a good laugh)

Bipolina Explores the world of the sims and Habbo Hotel

The two Worlds...

Hello I am Bipolina, the most beautiful, smart and modest person you'll ever meet! *hehe* I am here to tell you a lil' about the two worlds I adore. (Aside from the real world, which I choose to often neglect)The Sims and Habbo Hotel are where I spend countless hours of my life, spreading my Bipo Greatness. And now you,the common reader will be able to be honored by the Bip herself! Look throughout all of the pictures and info. I've compiled about The Sims and Habbo Hotel, they are quiet funny!

The Sims

Well now that we go the whole introduction thing done with, we can talk about the sims stuff I got.The Sims is probably one of the most addictive games I have ever played. And luckily, they allow you to keep a photo album of all those special moments.(Or those evil moments when you are bored and decide to sacrafice one of your Sims.MWAHAHA!)So take a look, I catagorized them by the family names, though most aren't even related. Actually all of the people aren't realated. Oh whatever. Two of them are based on me, and you can find my name in theirs! Try to guess which ones...

Habbo Hotel

The bad thing with the sims is that you have to pay for the system. But with habbo hotel, you just sign up and play! You even get your own little character to walk around and talk to people! I even put a picture of how I want my habbo to look like!And yes, her name is Bipolina. I got a ton of friends, and I really only talk to a select few every day. (You know who you are!! =P) This is definently a firve star hotel! I don't have much on it yet, I am concentrateing on the sims at the moment. But I will be adding stuff soon!!!!