Toaster Q Scuba-Horse

This is the forgotten story of Toaster Q Scuba-horse. Many people's lives were touched by the famous Toaster Q during his day, however through time his life has been overlooked and his story ignored. But here at the Sane Asylum we pride ourselves in keeping stories that have been lost, alive.

Toaster Q. Scuba-horse was the runt of his siblings. When he was four his Mom and Dad got a divorce, and his dad moved out. This was a very devestateing time for Toaster Q. Scuba-Horse. However, his mom soon found a new boyfriend on-line. He lived in Africa. She didn't tell her children much about him,'cept that his name is Trunx,His screen name is Needanewchair34905, and he is a little much on the heavy side, but very tall. So that left the young Scuba-Horses wondering about this "Trunx". Finally Toaster Q. Figured out that Trunx is an ELEPHANT!!! He was very offended about that fact and decided he was leaving home! So the next day somewhere between Brunch and dinner he left his family and nice warm loving home behind for the open road. When his family noticed (3 days later) that he was gone, they were very upset.

Toaster Q. Scuba-Horse changed his name to Taco -appliance Y. Huba Scorse. Once he got to Alabama, He got a job at the local Night club and worked there for about a year showing off all four of his sexy legs. One night while on stage a circus master came in, took one look at the plump beautiful horse on stage,(leaving nothing to the imagination!) And decided he HAD to have Taco-Appliance! So he asked the owner of the night club, Python Penis if he paid him $6,000,000 could he have the horse.Python Penis Declined the offer, so the circus master left. He came back the following thursday. Again, he asked Python Penis if he could "take Taco offf his hands?" and once again Python Penis declined the more than generous offer. Taco over heard the two talking, he didn't want to stay at the night club any more, so he ran in back got his Thongs, G-strings, horse strings, and edible underwear, then got in the circus masters Turck. The next thing he knew the truck was pulled over to the side of the road. The circus master had SEEN him!!! See the "circus master" wasn't really a circus master at all, he was the town Butcher, Hubert! Hubert had LIED to Python Penis, because he needed the meat from Taco appliance to feed his family, but he could never find a horse that looked more YUMMY than taco! Hubert got out of his truck very slowly, and became over joyed as he neard Taco. He even tried to cut a sausage pattie from Taco's right side. Suddenly three wolves jumped out of the shadows and attacked Hubert and he died a very painful death! While the wolves were stripping the rest of the flesh off Huberts bones, 16 little Nymphs, smurfs, rubber duckies, elves, and emus carried Taco appliance Y. Huba Scorse to saftey. He thanked them all and went on his way!

The following year he was featured in Tom Green's Movie "Freddy Got Fingered" Taco says "Tom was never authorized to touch me there! But then I realized it was okay, because is famous and has lots and lots of money!!. . . So I sued the shit out of that rich molesting Bastard!!!" Taco thought he was livin large and moved to vegas. He tried his Hoof (hand,paw, whatever) at gambling, and for a few months he had fun. Eventually, he gambled all his money away. He bacame an obsessive alchoholic, ate what ever he could find on the street, and was very grumpy and sad! He decided to go home to his mom and siblings, but when he raced up the path to his quiet New Jersey town home, all he found was a note. It was tattered and torn by time and weather. It said "To my Dear Toaster Q. We all packed up and moved to Africa not too long after your sister Zapper died of saddness due to your leaving. We'll be living with your new dad, Trunx. If you ever get this, we want you to know we all miss you! Please call (3970) 888-9991."

With that Taco Changed his name Back from Taco Appliance Y. Huba Scorce to Toaster Q. Scuba Horse! He left for Africa, getting on the 1st concord Jet he could find. He got there in three days time, found his family in a phone book. He was so excited to see all of them, he ran the 300 miles to their little shack. When he trotted up the sandy path his brothers and sisters came to greet him. He was soon saddened by the news that his mother had ran off with Trunx in the middle of the night, just the night before. They had both got caught in a sand storm and suffocated to death. Soon after, Toaster Q. came down very ill. He knew he was going to die. A few days later while laying on the front porch with his sister Sally he said "Sally, my dear sister, when I go, please Don't let them turn my life into a Broadway Musical!" He took one last dramatic breath, started to seizure, and died quickly with his eyes rolling back into his head!!



april 24th 2002

I dedicate this story to : TRACY !!

You are one crazy motherfucker!!


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