O MY GOD!!!! THE SANE ASYLUM STAFF HAS BEEN PUT UP FOR ADOPTION!!!!! If you can stand us, you're welcome to save one (or all ^_^) of the images, put it on your website and link it back to the asylum. If you do, email me the link so I can come take a look

adopt your webpenguin!!! She's slightly asmusing Ami can entertain you with her lovely guitar, how bout it? Jessi doesn't take up much room, she just likes to sit and listen to her music. Katie is well... blonde...but you can't blame her for that! Adopt your very own Manopoli! Know the wonders that is NEHT KO!!

now you can adopt the tennisball twins!! YAY!! now you can adopt the tennisball twins!! YAY!!


Here are some of our adopted deelys

Adopt your own useless blob!

back to the asylum
