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May 23, 2004
New pictures from college.

March 11, 2004
George F. Handel

March 4, 2004
New Pictures

February 22, 2004
Chapter 6 of Legends of Akasha: Demon Queen is up in Storybook Endings.

January 18, 2004
Lovin' this free time thing. Just posted chapter three of lotr fic "The Redemption of Mary Sue" in the Fanfiction section of Storybook Endings.

January 8, 2002

January 6, 2004
Chapter 5 of Demon Queen is (finally) up, as is a new chapter of The Redemption of Mary Sue on the Fanfiction page.

October 1, 2003
Just a little tidbit on the Legends of Akasha page to tide yall over till I get the next chapter out.
Character Battle Cries

September 15, 2003
New pictures of my dorm room

September 13, 2003
Chapter 1 of my Lord of the Rings fanfic, "The Redemption of Mary Sue" is up on the Fanfiction page.

August 24, 2003
Added some art to Book 1 of Legends of Akasha, found on the Storybook Endings page. Not much, but I've just started college and I'm quite busy. I'll have more soon.

August 1, 2003
Chapter 4 of Legends of Akasha: Demon Queen is up in Storybook Endings. Quite proud of myself, I think that's the fastest chapter I've ever written. Woo! Go me. Oh yeah! And I finally got some prom pictures up as well.

July 14, 2003
Four stories: Ch 3 of LoA:DQ, Ch 4 of Squib, and Smallville fic and a LOTR fic. God bless abreviations. Also, new pictures. Jesus I'm sleepy.

June 12, 2003
Despite the note on the main page, I managed to post a few prom pictures. More to come, once i find a working scanner.

May 19, 2003
Small update today. Fixed the picture on the About me page. Added a links page as well. Maybe I'll do more later.

April 30, 2003
Totally on a roll. Added three scenes to the High School Vignettes on the page for school stuff, which is now called "Extra Credit", located in Storybook Endings. Also added a short story based on Harry Potter to the Fanfiction page in Storybook Endings.

April 29, 2003
Woah, two days in a row. Go me. Added a new page called "Playskool" which is for things I've written as school projects, and put one scene up that I wrote for Drama Class. It's in the "Storybook Endings" section.

April 28, 2003
Well, it's 2:00 AM on the first day back to school after Spring Break, what else would I do rather than update my website? Surely not sleep, no way! Chapter Two of Demon Queen is finally up.

April 23, 2003
Added new pictures and put up and About Me page. Took down LOTR fanfic, as it is being completely revamped. Don't worry; I'm working on Chapter 2 of Demon Queen as well as my Harry Potter story.

March 3, 2003
Finally aware of the fact that the Harry Potter story on the fanfic page is screwed up. Broke down and made the chapters html. In addition, the title has been changed and the third chapter is now up.

February 24, 2003
Chapter 1 of Legends of Akasha: Demon Queen is now up.

Added more pictures.

Added a picture section, and my pictures from the last day of fencing practice.

3:44pm: Added the Prologue to Book 2 of Legends of Akasha.

9:19pm: Added two pictures. One to the main page and one to the poetry page.

The website is now up and running. Posted novel, poetry, an essay and a link to my online journal.