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The Rant Filled World of Rick

Reasons why I like to Rant and Complain

The Langa List....Sign up and stay informed! Now, here's my Qouteth Dailyeth______________________________________________: September 8th, 2003___________________________________________________ Well, well.... Life has taken another twist for me. Just when I thought I was gonna get better, I find a way to get worse. You see, I returned from a vacation in So.Cal, to see my brother, and when I returned I got a nasty cough. I saw the doc, and he gave me some antibiotics and asked if I wanted a cough suppressant. I said no to the syrup. Dumb choice. A few days later, during my sleep one night, I must of coughed so hard that I blew out a nice size hernia. Ugghh. My stomach would swell up on just the left side, almost 5 inches, everytime I coughed. It scared the hotdogs out of me and I spent the rest of that early morning waiting to call the hospital. I called, and first the nurse said to go to the ER. Then she put me on hold to look at my records, and came back telling me to hold off on going to the ER until I get pain, nasuea, fever. And she said I might want to try and see the doc who had done the operation on my bowels and was overseeing me. I called to make an appointment and was told they would call me back. They never called back. Now, in addition to the 10 inch by 6 inch open wound (healed over by a graft until they want to close it in a few months) I have to watch and pray that my intestines continue to work herniated. From what I have been told, many people can go years before they get surgical correction. Just as long as the intestines don't get tangled or blocked. It seems that things are still working. I have had a couple BM's since then. But I am still freaked out. So much so that my shrink put me on round the clock Xanax.....even gotta set the alarm and take it in the middle of the night. And, if in a few days, he sees improvement in me, he'll allow me to return to work. Returning to work is going to be hard. It seems that it takes me a few hours to 'get going' and be able to walk around. And the lump (hernia) in my gut feels like lead....I don't really get used to it until afternoon. So, I will try getting up around 5:30am, cruise around the house until a little before 8, and hope. I haven't been at work for 4 months. I'll have to relearn everything and try not to look like an invalid....too much. I will be walking slow and hunched over until the afternoon. Oh, I pray it works out. And I pray that my hernia will hold out until my other surgery, so they can fix everything at the same time. I do not want to be admitted now. I need to get back to work to keep my job. My bills are going unpaid (60% pay doesnt work for long periods) and I am getting complacent. There is one good thing after spending 2 months in the hospital. I lost 50lbs. I've gained a few pounds back (the vacation....going out every meal) but I am back to my new diet of fruits and light meals. I may even go back to the weight loss shakes for lunch at work. I can't exercise or walk, but maybe I can lose more weight by eating small and healthy. So, people of this world, pray for me. Maybe I'll find myself a little closer to God, after all this is over. See you next issue... rick p___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Me and my Mom on our vacation to see Tony Me and my brother, Tony Mom and Tony Grandpa and Mom at home Just a pic of my mess of a desk that I spend hours at, working on this new website...trying to learn html. ugghh Mike and Lidia Feliciano stopped by to visit me at the hotel, during our vacation

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