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Welcome Fellow Idlephiles

Idle-phil-i-a [n. {Idle + philos meaning love +ism}] An abnormal fascination with Eric Idle, esp. an erotic attraction to Eric Idle. -Idlephile n.

Good evening ladies and Bruces, my name is Nigel Spasm and I will be your tour guide today, through this strange and undeniably twisted world of Eric Idle.

If you're here, you're probably already aware of who Eric Idle is, but in case you aren't, you may want to visit the Short and Uninformed Biography link below.

If you want to see some adorable pictures of our wonderful Idle, click on the Pictures Stolen From Other Webpages link. (Or, if you're looking for pictures of Eric in his birthday suit, click on the Say No More link.)

If characters and unforgettable lines are your quest, click on the He Said What? link. (Comming soon)

Or perhaps you want to read reviews of various films Eric's been in (Written by myself and some of my most trusted colleages) then click on the Three Thumbs Up link.

We have a small fake FAQ-like thing you may want to read, click on the QAE (Questions About Eric) link below.

If, for some odd reason, you'd like to learn about me, then click on the Webmaster Humbled link to go to my personal homepage.

If you'd be so kind as to link to this page, please go to the Unimaginative Banners link.

If you'd like to read my dramatic novella the centers around Eric Idle, then click on Silly People on the Bright Side of Life link.

If you want some fun and random things related to our dear Eric, click on the Fun, Random Things link.

Well, why are you still just sitting there? Get to it! Oh, and do mind the dead bishop on the landing.

A Short and Uninformed Biography
Pictures Stolen From Other Webpages
Say No More!
QAE (Questions About Eric)
Three Thumbs Up
Unimaginative Banners
Silly People on the Bright Side of Life
Hand-picked, Freshly Squeezed Links
Webmaster Humbled
Fun, Random Things

Help Eric!
Warner Brothers has shelved The Rutles 2: Can't Buy Me Lunch! You can help! Go here for the full story or go here to sign an online petition to get the film released!

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