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Under Construction......This page is always under construction! If you have any questons or comments feel free to e-mail them to me.

All rights reserved. Todos los Derechos Reservados. Nitsujseodhr © Copyright 1999 - 2005. DISCLAIMER: This page was created by Nitsujsedohr and is the property of the aforementioned author. This site was created for the sole ownership of Nitsujsedohr and King Vegeta's Pride, and may not be linked to titled as your own work. DO NOT COPY MY WORK, PLEASE ASK! I am in no way trying to infringe copyrights on Dragon Ball Z, this page was made to promote Dragon Ball Z, Akira Toriyama's work, to fans from all over. Dragon Ball Z is copyrighted by Akira Toriyama, TOEI, Bird studios, FUNimation and everybody else who helped bring it to america, they know who they are
