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Here is the Map DM-Practice3c. Place this in the "Maps" folder.

Here is the Static Mesh JDOG. Place this in the "Static Meshes" folder.

There are a couple problems that need to be adressed in this map. First, the lightning gun is ill placed. It can be puppy guarded very easily by a foe with RL (Rocket Launcher). Also, the level needs to be expanded. I am making a shock room which is in the works.

Before editing, I should tell you the format that I've been using. First, I plan to have every weapon have a level that is on or in a cube. This you've probably noticed. To make editing easier in the three views, I've seperated the cubes by a length of 4096*3 in the x, y, and z directions. This prevents annoying overlap. I'd like to see this preserved but it isn't critical. Also, I play to have two warping stations in every area. I don't really care how many you have but there needs to be at least two.

Go wild. I'm not attatched to this map at all. Completely change the first two "islands" or just improve them. More importantly, add more islands like the ones I have exactly the way you want. If your favourite weapon is shock, ask yourself what kind of a place would I like to use shock in, and just build it! Hopefully this will be a team project and we will have an agreeable practice map for the clan. Any additions made and sent to me at, I promise to upload ASAP.