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welcome to the most purplicious site on earth! You are looking at the offical TPMA website. This website is ALL about purple monkeys! Oh, and one more thing: this is a dishwasher free zone!

I am currently working on the guild's layout more than the website. with school work and earning nps and helping the guild... i have a full schedule!
don't worry ingrid! the rest of the w&f stories will be up before the end of febuary (the link to the stories page is under links. the 1st 2 stories are uploaded and linked)

4/18/04: Hurah! The Message Forum is up! Just click on the link below to get it. Then click on the link that says "join my forum" if it asks for a password, then email me to get it. sorry, only close friends of mine can be a part of the forum!
4/4/04: I added a tagboard thing, i hope it works, here's the link...
3/4/04: I have decided that I was going to update the site again-- Yea! Oh, yes I have decided to update. Who wants to see my agenda? Me! ok, here we go...
~ add wreako & freako stories 3-6
~ add siggys on neosiggy page
~ make lookups similar to purple_monkey_girl04's lookup (only more monkey-fied)
~ make a spatula lookup! (ooh, spatula!!)
~ but first, I must go eat my dinner...

- premade layout by the TPMA -

  • Rebecca (website founder/owner/html creater)
  • Lemonss (my evil twin)

    ( doesnt have neopets account)
  • Ingrid (one day, she'll be famous, or so she says)
  • Sammy (we all know, sammy...)
  • Greta (she one fith plas at the speling be, conty leval. lol, greta is a great speller. i, on the other hand... *k-a-t*)
  • JW (stands for joshiphine winnona)
  • Cynna (she's really one of my best friends, and I think I'm one of her best friends too!)
    (she doesn't like neopets BUT WHY??)

We're a bit of an odd bunch of people! ^_^

- premade layout by the TPMA -

This site has been created by purple_monkey_girl04 (, although some articals, stories, and poems have been created by her friends.

this site with all it's stories, and graphics is copyrighted! ©2004.