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My love is open to you

why wont you accept it

is there something wrong with me

did I hurt you in some way

am I the wrong guy

do you know the answer to that

I'm sorry to bother you

do you want me to go away

you don't want to talk to me

its always the same thing

I'm sorry to bother you

can I please hold your hand

I really want to just kiss you

but I'll try hard as I can

I'm sorry to bother you

is there anything left

can we sit for awhile

talk about life

I'm sorry to bother you

I just want to love you

I'm just trying to care

is there something wrong with loving me

I'm sorry to bother you

why don't you say your feelings

do you even have any for me

I wish you'd tell

I think you care more then you say

I love you

and I'm sorry to bother you

but, do you love me to?