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How to make a "rabbitat" for your pet rabbit and daily activities.

Tired of cleaning your rabbits cage so often? Afraid that you pet is being bored all the time while you are gone? If your answer is yes, a "rabbitat" is the home for your pet. A rabbits dream is to run around a portion of the yard, nibbling on grass, and being at home in its natural habitat. Here are the instructions:

Ideas for activities!
Learning to sit up:

Try these exercises: Hold a treat at floor level. As soon as the rabbit starts nibbling, lift the treat slightly. Offer the next treat higher to encourage stretching. Do this before mealtime because the rabbit is more motivated to reach up because it is hungry.

Fitness training for fun:

Rabbits are very agile and are natural jumpers. The smaller breeds are amazing acrobats, while the larger breeds are slower and less mobile despite their longer legs. No matter which breed, however, they all love to jump hurdles. Place obstacles along the wall, and make sure they are long enough so the rabbits don't run around them. The height should be no taller that the rabbit sitting up. I own a black-and-white Dutch Rabbit. She is one of the smaller breeds, maybe 6 inches tall at the shoulder. However, I have seen her jump on top of a 25-inch box. You can try making taller obstacles but they will make your rabbit tired faster. The obstacles can be homemade from wood, from bricks, stones or even cans of various sizes. If the rabbit does not jump the obstacle, hold a treat up so it will jump over for it.

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