Welcome to Paxland.

This my homepage- as such, it will hopefully reflect me. Thus, it's likely to be damn strange, ecclectic to say the least, and have an aesthetic sense best appreciated by me.

That said, on to the content, such as it is...

Why a home page?
Gives a little insight into why this page finally got put together, and incidentally, the workings of my fevered brain.
Random Geekery
Some things I do with my spare time, often even when I don't have any.
More of the workings of my fevered brain, biased toward venting my spleen. May come to include the rantings of others, if I think they are nifty.
Gallery of Plundered Images
Having a level of artistic ability that would be admired by first graders and derided by fourth, creating original images is a bit beyond me. So I've plundered some I liked, and provided links back to them for the entertainment and elucidation of the masses.
Hey, it's worth a shot, and I figure any company that's willing to hire me after visitng this place is one I'd love to work for.
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