art   writings   songs   links   me   flash films

    Well, well, well.  What brings you to this little corner of the web?  Are you lost, tossed on the freakish foamy sea of information and dreams that is the internet?  Come here, to my little tidepool, brought by designs beyond our comprehension?  Perhaps it is fate that you found your way to the sieve of my unconscious.  Perhaps you found your way here to settle some Karmic debt, on either side, or perhaps yet to even be incurred. 

    Or maybe you know me and came here to check things out.  Whatever your reasons, I hope you have a good time while you're here, but if you don't...  maybe it was meant to be....

     I suppose you're wondering what the whole point to this site is.  Heh.  Who are we kidding?  You know there's no point, save to satisfy that which slew the feline:  Curiosity.  On this site you'll find all the things I think and do that I feel like posting up for public display, like tunes, art, writings, and maybe, if I get around to it, a netzine.  I'm yet another jack-of-all-trades (master of none) internet slacker.  I draw, play music, make up the occasional Dungeons and Dragons campaign (but don't let that turn you aside), write a little (and hope one day to make a career out of it). As I find time, I intend to do Flash films.  Poor you.  My accomplishments in these fields are:  Having won first place in the Johnston County (NC, USA) Art contest (I won a nice sketchbook and a great set of colored pencils, that I haven't ever been able to replace), I've got a couple of drawings on the Secrets of the Kargatane website, in their gallery, which you can get to from here.  

     On the music scene, I've been noodling around with guitars since I was fifteenish, and for some freaky reason I'd always wanted to be in a band.  Probably all those days spent lip-synching to my KISS platters and playing air-guitar while standing on my bed, watching the adoring audience of my mind tear off its clothes in an adulation frenzy.  I wanted to sing, too, but that wouldn't come to the fore as a proper talent untiI I was about nineteen, twenty maybe.  I recorded my own tapes after a few years, starting on an old desktop memo recorder, and finally working my way up to a four-track mixing deck.  I've done about nine "albums" that I would actually dare share with the casual listener.  Critiques range from:  "Oh , you like to yowl.  Me too.", to "Um, that was...  Interesting."  I feel that while I'm not Metallica or any other major-label big-name band, given the almost infinite variety of bands out there that have some kind of record deal, I have some kind of chance...  if I but dared to take it.  On the writing side, my accomplishments range from an underground magazine in high school (3 issues, and then my mom made me burn the third issue), to a bunch of unpublished stuff rotting in my hard drive.  I  also have an entry in one of the Kargatane's netbooks.  Delve further...  if you dare.

Old News          New Stuff          Sign in and Sound Off          Tell Me about it....          Tell Somebody Else   

Thursday, June 6th, 2002

Have revamped the site's code, trying to make it more palatable to all browsers.  Have also added a purity test.  Take it, and find out how far I have corrupted you...

Thursday, June 13th, 2002

Have done more tweaking, probably just screwing perfectly good stuff up.  Have added a place for visitors to leave their indelible mark, in vain attempts to destroy my psyche...

Thursday, June 20th, 2002

Have added a song--well, most of one, anyway.  It's more of a serious attempt than the others to date.  Check it out.  I command it!   

Saturday, June 22nd, 2002

Revamped the Art section. Had to dump two of the songs--contact me to hear them. There's lots more pics now.