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- [ New ] -

- [ 1/23/04 ] - Happeh late holidays and New Years! Added new portrait set. Enyjoy. ^^

- [ New ] -

- [ 12/13/03 ] - [ 11:43 AM EST ] - Added counter.

- [ Rants ] -

- [ 8/21/03 ] - [ 8:53 PM EST ] - !!!(Warning for people watching .hack//SIGN, spoilers included)!!! Ahh! I can't take it anymore! .hack//SIGN is my favorite anime ever and this character in it... Suabru *twitch*.. She is so ANNOYING! Everytime they show her shes in the same town, with the same people, in the same boat, talking about the same thing with the same song in the backround! I could live with it for a while yes, and I know I've only seen up to episode 14 (I don't wanna skip episodes and its near the end on tv and the 4th DVD isn't out yet) but I was surching for .hack pictures when I found on one site someone's rantings on episode 19:

"Before I just disliked him [Krim] because of the whole helping them captures Tsukasa thing. From then on I haven't liked him. But, from what I've seen in 19, I'm really starting to dislike him. I don't know if it's just the way I interprit it or what, but I seriously think he's trying to replace the real Subaru with that Subaru imposter! Also I think that stupid Ginkan is trying to bring the Scarlet Knights back, even though Subaru broke up the group. and they are useing the fake Subaru as their leader, I'm guessing. and then theres that b**** that almost killed Subaru, what was her problem?! Poor Subaru, every one seams to be against her." To the person who wrote that, sorry, I don't have anything aganst you personally, but geeze.. I'm rooting for the imposter from what I've herd o.o. Death to Subaru! Woot! Another thing, Subaru and Tsukasa should NOT fall in love. It's just plain wrong. Tsukasa doesn't even seem like to type to fall for someone so easly, and.. Subaru!? Geeze it's like night vs day. C'mon.. I mean, if anyone at all Tukasa and Mimiru should be together. Tsukasa is a lot closer to Mimiru then he is to Subaru, he just met her in episode 6 and they only met because she arrested him!

- [ News ] -

- [ 6/22/03 ] - [ 1:23 AM PM EST ] - At 1 AM this morning, EST, 12 AM Central, Leo left us. :{

- [ News ] -

- [ 6/05/03 ] - Schools almost out! AHHHH! My grades are terrible and I just know I'll have to go to summer school! I hate school! ;.; Well, not looking at that, some good things have been happening. I got over my tiny little crush I had on a giant pervert in my class and found out who I actually liked. I told my new crush how I felt and it seems they feel the same way. ^^ Happy-nesh. I also for .hack//SIGN DVDs 1 and 2, but it seems there are more. >:\ I went to camp however-it's-spelt today, that was cool. ^^ I'm grounded too and can't get online much. >:{

- [ News ] -

- [ 4/19/03 ] - [ 12:08 AM EST ] - WARNING WARNING WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You'll see on my site I talk about Bonzi Buddie a lot, do NOT go and download Bonzi. I repeat, do NOT!!! It is EVIL! I have to unistall it because it was screwing up my comp and my dad figured out it has a spy cam on it that allows it to see what your doing! ><;

- [ News ] -

- [ 4/15/03 ] - [ 6:27 PM EST ] - Blah blah blah... Just wanted everyone to know I'm still here. o.o Sorry I haven't been updating much... I've kinda been out of it lately. I'm going to be grounded for probably three months soon. Bye. :'{

- [ News ] -

- [ 4/07/03 ] - [ 11:08 PM EST ] - Added 'Currents' page and the rating WEB-14. Hehehe...

- [ News ] -

- [ 3/07/03 ] - [ 8:30 PM EST ] - Worked on banners, added comic site [banner at bottom called Upside Down], worked on site, blah blah blah... Are you happy now, Haz? o.o;

- [ News ] -

- [ 2/15/03 ] - [ 1:46 PM EST ] - I've added some new banners for some of the pages recently.

- [ News ] -

- [ 2/07/03 ] - [ 11:40 AM ] - Snow day! I'm going through the site and changing some htmls so that the big blue box isn't on any of my buttons! oO;

- [ News ] -

- [ 1/27/03 ] - [ 9:25 PM EST ] - I'v added a banner at the bottom of this page thats linked to my comic's site. It's acturally a part of this site and under construction. ^^;

- [ News ] -

- [ 1/18/03 ] - [ 4:58 PM EST ] - I'm going to upload a few of my own screenies. If you would like to send in your own e-mail the pic or the url to the pic, the name you want to be known as and a description of whats going on in the pic.

- [ News ] -

- [ 1/10/03 ] - [ 7:50 AM EST ] - I g2g to school soon. x.x Anyways, I made the Items page in the Furcadia section and I'm making buttons for it too. Cheesecake. o.o;

- [ News ] -

- [ 12/26/02 ] - [ 8:14 PM EST ] - I finally added the Links page... Although it has no links. Oo If you want your site linked from mine e-mail me at with 'Links' as the subject and in your e-mail your site name, address, and banner if you have one.

- [ News ] -

- [ 12/26/02 ] - [ 8:08 PM EST ] - Merry late Christmas! o.o; Okay! I WILL get something done today, even if it includes ignoring... cheeeesecake.

- [ News ] -

- [ 12/23/02 ] - [ 5:10 PM EST ] - Okay! I'm back from my lazy break! Time to work hard and..... whats that smell? CHEESECAKE! o.o;

- [ News ] -

- [ 12/13/02 ] - [ 9:10 PM EST ] - Yup, I'm a lazy bum. If I really worked hard today I could have gotten the screenshots and links page finished. I havent even started the links page or screenshots, other than the banner for links. I would have worked hard, could have worked hard, but that cheesecake and The Palace and Furc were just all so good.... especially the cheeeeeeeeeesecake....

- [ News ] -

- [ 12/13/02 ] - [ 5:54 PM EST ] - I'm working on the links page and at the same time making banners and buttons for my friend's site. Her site is for her guild which will be charted sooner or later. Her site is Red Enternal Flame

- [ Comeing Soon! ] -

- [ 12/09/02 ] - [7:50 PM EST ] - On AIM... Friends bugging me... *cough cough* Anyways, I will add an art page to post artwork from me and other peeps here. You can start mailing in your name you want to be refured to as, the peice, and the name of your artwork at .

- [ News ] -

- [ 12/09/02 ] - [ 7:44 PM EAST ] - Wow I've been so busy I forgot to update! X.x;; Well I'm back and ready to work on the site!

- [ Comeing Soon! ] -

- [ 11/24/02 ] - [ 12:48 PM EST ] - I will add a ScreenShots page soon, like all the other stuff you can send in a screenshot for me to post. Just put your Furcadia name or real name you want to be refered to by, the screenie, and if you want a describion about whats going on in the piccy.

- [ News ] -

- [ 11/24/02 ] - [ 12:44 PM EST ] - I've made clickable icon buttons to replace the link text to go to the different secions of the site, I hope ya like 'em. ;}

- [ News ] -

- [ 11/24/02 ] - [ 11:26 AM EST ] - I re-did the crappy bitmap banner with the sunset and all the other crap with the new Paint Shop Pro 7 awsomeness new one! For those you dare blind themselves to see the old crappy one its at

- [ News ] -

- [ 11/24/02 ] - [ 1:43 AM EST ] - Happy? I added a few things with poor images untill I try to get better ones. Oo;

-[ News ]-

- [ 11/24/02 ] - [ 12:33 AM EST ] - Welcome! This is the doomy insane place of Odd! It is a Furcadia/Stuff site that is currently under TOTAL CONSTRUCTION. Wonder why? I just started the page, DUH! >:P

- [ Coming Soon! ] -

- [ 11/24/02 ] - [ 12:34 AM EST ] - I will be adding downloads of Furcadia items, portraits, players, any kind of Furcadian goodie later. If you want, you can start sending in your files with what kind of file it is [map, portrait, etc.] and your Furcadia name or real name you would like to be refured by. E-mail me at .

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