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Kim Possible's Web Site

My Favorite things about Angelfire.


Play Games!!
Visit Local band Camera's website
Pure Rock on the Net!

Kim Possible's "Homies"...: Alyssa the Craziest!!, Christina aka Tink ,Abel My buddy who is soon going to leave to the Navy! Congrats!,Andrea aka Kittie, Kaleb funniest guy ever,Mario the "PIMP",Cracky and Kevin of Camera a great band!! Jobe the "the f*****g "G"", Amber the Linkin Park Lover! (I don't Know why!),Patrick my bestest friend in the world!!!! I could never forget you!, Ramiro the freakin awesome-ist guy ever!, Thomas The hottest "KID" in world, Jazz what can I say?, Ashli my partner in crime,Eric what did u say "Jack Daniels?" and Last but Not least Chris My Bestest KoRN buddie! Kim Possibles men: This list is unavialable due to too many characters. Sorry guys.... :(
