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the Anti-Socialist's Section
Sunday, 26 August 2007
This is for the bitch who didn't have to guts to leave a real email address..
Now Playing: Nothing, because...

...I'm still laughing over the fact that the very first comment posted here was by a fucking Claymate - this is for you and your biddy buddies...

God, I love posting links! 


Posted by Cassandra at 6:33 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 26 August 2007 6:34 PM EDT
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Friday, 10 August 2007
Crazy Celebrity Crushes
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: Measuring Cups

By Kinsa Rayburn. Since Michael Jackson and Clay Aiken are covered in our special Tribute pages, we will spare you, the faithfull reader with the gory details of their fandom and the horror it brings. I actually never liked Jacko (though I found a lot of his music compelling until the little boy thing) but will confess to falling under Glay's, oops, Clay's spell a few years back. Granted, I didn't go out and buy multiple copies of cds, but I thought he was cute in an odd way and appreciated his singing voice. Unfortunately, it turns out he is only in it for the money, as YouTube snippets show. He is not even a shadow of what he was now, and the gay is coming in loud and clear. A huge portion of his manufactured fanbase has dropped off, leaving only the crazed, over-protective old ladies who still want to do him while he's trolling for gay sex online. He himself has called himself bitter, the guy's life is just one big gay soap opera now, and don't we love those train wrecks? Yech.

Anyway, I just wanted to get that out of the way so I can make way for the next parade of yutzes that I will be showcasgin on this blog, they may come as blog posts, with separate links for extreme circumstances only. It's a rather eclectic list, and even though I can count Nathan Lane as a former fave, at least I didn't have to guess his deal... until next time kiddies.

Posted by Cassandra at 11:17 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 26 August 2007 5:56 PM EDT
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Posted by Cassandra at 11:10 AM EDT
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Thursday, 19 April 2007

Okay, okay, I know.... but we all need to vent, instead of sitting around feeling sorry for themselves, God knows I've done it for far too long. I guess you get to a point when you've been told the same negative shit over and over with nothing or no one to tell/show you otherwise you really start to believe you're not good enough, not normal enough, not worth loving. I still get that way and literally have to talk myself out of it.. Sometimes it takes little more than being told 'get over it.' As I get older, I"m learning to be my own best friend. Rest assured in the next life, we won't have to worry about such trivial things. When you get right down to it, none of this really matters as we float around on a pebble in the middle of infinity, right?
Okay, enough of this emo crap, on with the show...

Posted by Cassandra at 12:40 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 9 August 2007 11:49 PM EDT
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Guest poster: Nellis Rayburn

To answer the question: a lot of things. Have you ever heard the expression 'there's someone for everybody?' I'm here to tell you that that is a flat-out LIE! There may be some disatrous dates down the line, but at 33, I'm fairly certain that my time has passed as far as finding a Mr. Right, I don't know if there will even be a Mr. Right Now at this point. My relationships with men has been one clusterfuck after another, I've never known not one guy, related or otherwise, who could just stick around, I'm pretty good at scaring them, me being so, well, different. On top of that, there was always something in the way, first I was too young, next there was someone else who held the stronger bond. I felt completely hopeless and, as a last resort, placed an ad on AOL back in mid-late 2000 (this was when I first discovered the internet with the purchase of my first computer a few months before). Lo and behold someone answered it, even though I probably shouldn't have bothered with him (more on that someday). When I finally was allowed by the Fates to have sex on a regular basis the world went nuts; we had snowstorm after snowstorm, train fares went up, the presidential election was rigged. Don't laugh but I really think all of that was in some karmic way set off by my getting some - which wasn't even good to begin with!

Posted by Cassandra at 12:33 PM EDT
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Friday, 13 April 2007
True Love
Guest poster: A. Friend I am hurt but I need this hurt, I need to feel the pain. It's the one thing that won't leave you. People leave. People die. Hurt and pain and tears vistit often, keep you company. It's the only thing you can truly rely on until you die.
I don't like it, but I love it because it's the only thing that will stay with me.

Posted by Cassandra at 1:58 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 10 August 2007 9:25 AM EDT
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Thursday, 12 April 2007

Mood:  incredulous
Holy crap, Trace! Way to bring the blog down, how dare you attempt to be topical?! Anyway, Kinsa's going to bring some much-needed brevity to this place, her upcoming topic series will be called "Crazy Celebrity Crushes." We've all had them, some fleeting, some downright implausible (right Claymates?). Coming... eventually.

Posted by Cassandra at 12:49 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 10 August 2007 10:29 AM EDT
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The Coz was right
Guest poster: Trace Harris When Bill Cosby first started talking about the problems in the black "community," I thought, wow, I guess he's at that point in life where you've achieved all he can so he's old and can talk shit. Then it dawned on me: HE'S TELLING THE TRUTH!!! How dare Sharpton come down on Don Imus like this, with all the issues that blacks have (I among them), how can we possibly rail against anyone else for what we do to ourselves. my rant from March is just one aspect of all the problems the "community" refuses to address. There simply is no respect or love for black women from black men, I have been abandoned by my so-called brothers long ago, ever since my dad tried to pull a Woody Allen on my half-sister when I was a baby. Yeah, it makes me angry to see this false solidarity on the part of the Rev and Jessie Jerkson, and as a black woman I refuse to buy it because I know the truth, that this is just a way for these two to keep their names in the news - and on the back of Don Imus of all people! I was never a fan of the guy, but I knew of his charitable acts. What do you expect? He's a hundred years old and he was trying to be funny, you try being funny for four or five hours a day withoug a script. It's not fucking McNeil/Lehrer, he's a goofy radio guy, this isn't even Greasman-strength crap. Thank God that whites are finally speaking up and pointing out the hypocricy and for commentators and writers like Jason Whitlock (a black guy) speaking up about it too (even though I'm sure he's got a white wife, dick... just kidding). I think I'll put some music on to lighten the mood, how about 'Fake Ass Bitches' by Tupac, another piece of shit that hid his talent and intellegence because he didn't want to fuck up his fan base. Check out these Oscar Wilde-caliber lyrics:
They love to G a nigga young dumb and gettin riches What the fuck you think a trick is nigga Nigga done stick and wet his dick and then get tricked out all his riches by a -- BITCH! I'm here to school you to the rules of the game, it'll cost ya Think you alla that just cause she let a nigga toss her It's like a motherfuckin priveledge So don't give up your conversation, give that bitch your 7 digits Don't let Imus be the sacrificial lamb for a false agenda! God help us ALL - and while you're at it, read this by the brilliant Jason Whitlock:

Posted by Cassandra at 11:35 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 10 August 2007 10:25 AM EDT
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Monday, 2 April 2007
Scum Magnet
Guest poster: Trace Harris There is this guy who works at a liquor store my sister occasionally gets her booze from. They chat about everything and nothing. One day he complained to her how it's so hard to find a nice girl. Since I haven't had a real relationship in over six years, she took it upon herself to bring him outside to meet me as I waited for her in the car. She knows I don't make a habit of getting friendly with the local color around my way - Newark, NJ is not exactly Shangri La. We chatted briefly. He then started coming along with us to a church my sister discovered several months back (which I no longer go to, that's for a future rant). During service he made sure to try to talk to me. I wasn't biting, for God's sake, he doesn't even have a car!!! Anyway, after a few Sundays, he stopped even though we would still see him whenever my sister needed her Grand Mariner fix. He would say that he'd call my brother-in-law so hecan come pick him up for service but never did - and hasn't. About two days ago, this prick spies my brother-in-law's truck at a nearby gas station. He chats up my bro, says not one word to me. I let it go because I've been on the receiving end of that shit so many times, but as I get older, it makes me angrier and angrier. I've yet to meet one genuine man, someone who really is looking for a relationship, not coming at me with a song-and-dance about nice girls.

Posted by Cassandra at 7:55 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 10 August 2007 10:24 AM EDT
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Thursday, 29 March 2007
If you're suffering from menstral cramps...
...I recommend a hysterectomy.

Posted by Cassandra at 10:33 PM EDT
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