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Dated Tribute #1 - Michael Jackson, what a waste...

The Family Man...

...with 2nd "wife" Debbie and first "son" Prince.

The Humanitarian...

...respected throughout the world.

He could have gone down as a talented singer-dancer legend status intact, but the lure of exotic boy-ass sealed his fate. May the freaky child-molesting monster rot in hell with the Catholic priests, Woody Allen and R. Kelly, who by the way, is a complete hack laughing all the way to the bank... too bad he won't be able to take that money with him to Hell. Come on, I've seen Trapped in the Closet, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT SHIT ABOUT??!!! AND TO THINK HE TOOK IT SERIOUSLY! JOHN LENNON, DEAD FOR 20 SOME-ODD YEARS AND THESE PIECES OF SHIT CONTINUE TO PRODUCE GARBAGE FOR THE MASSES WHENEVER THE MOOD STRIKES THEM!!... But I digress, Long story short, Michael Jackson was good once, great even, but will forever be known for the fucked up face and kiddie diddling. He's finished... and so am I.