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I got to bring Izzy home from the vet today. He is resting comfortably, but still very weak. He's on antibiotics, a calcium supplement, and something for his intestinal tract. He's not strong enough to eat on his own, so my mom and I have to force-feed him baby food. Talk about fun. (eww gag puke vomit food reeks) Plus...You ever try to pry a lizard's mouth open? It's not an easy task. I'll just leave it at that. But at least *he* seems to like the baby food (gag puke vomit, etc...bleaugh)

The vet bill was $111.03, so screw my car, screw the tuition, but if Izzy makes it, it was well worth it and I would gladly pay any amount to ensure he's healthy. Besides...My only other alternative would be to watch him slowly die, which is what he was doing, and that is not an option. Who would I listen to my music with??

The first thing I did when I got Izzy home was play our song..It's so beautiful. Just days ago I was crying to the music, expecting the worst. It's called "God Called in Sick Today" by AFI. And in honor of Izzy, I decided to make the background from its lyrics.

This is a picture I took of Izzy when I brought him home from the pet shop in September.

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