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Ooh Child!

With his eternal gaze
And serene expression,
The god Amun stares
With piercing eyes
At the one who happens
upon his path.

You see me for what you want to see me.
But that doesn't mean you understand who I am.

You make me smile for no reason whatsoever,
You make me laugh at the unfunniest things,
But most of all,
You make me love you when I shouldn't love you.

I tend to know a lot about people.
I am great listener.
But people don't know much about me.

I have been in love.
I know what it is to love with all your heart.
I know what it feels like when the body burns with desire.
I also know the pain love brings.

Baby, we live in completely different worlds,
and we think nothing alike.

I am a dreamer.
I choose to dream...

Among many, I am characterized by my silent nature.
They say actions speak louder than words,
And I am a man of few words.

For Chris

You left me standing alone in the rain,
As if to mask the tears that always come
With your cold goodbyes.

You were not always like this.
You loved me once.
Or was that just another sly move in your game?
Now, I am lost like a leaf blown
In the autumn wind.

You left me standing alone in the rain,
But my tears cannot be masked by
The cool wet drops...

Goodbye, my love...

After all the pain you put me through,
why do I still love you with all my heart?

Going My Way???

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Me and da crew ...
Memories of Christmas 2002...
My Museum Photos...
My Babies...
