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Dum stuff

Hey PPL! havent been here for a while so now im gonna update. If you wanna give me links to add to my page, Click my email address below and send me the link. Or if you wanna give Comments, (all comments don't have to be good ones) do the same. Questions aout this page are also apprieciated and would really help with future updates. THX!!

Quote of the Day

Sausage Links

Chat, Games, Stuff..
Bored? Me Too.....
The infomatrix is waiting...
games and illusions
download a varriaty of games and music and stuff on your computer like software
want a look at a day job in pirotechnics?
Where is there a better place to relax Than in a cottage on a huge beach in the spring and the summer
Guides Up the Kazoo
Free Arcade
There is a big space in the internet and this is the place to find it!
Bourne Identity Music
Need a buddy icon?
Other World Music
Last Battle Music
World Not Enough for YOU??
Can You Handle More Fallout?
Curiously Strong
America's Best Beer
