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An Example of Me Being a Lemming

Why I decided to make this webpage:

The Soap Opera That Is My Life
Ways our life relates to Dawson's Creek
Past Polls

Unfortunatly, Free Tools decided to be evil!! The forum is gone, delated, and it's not coming back. ::starts crying::

Well, I made an important discovery! We have are first ever fansite! I know that there are many fans of this soap opera, and one finally decided to make a site dedicated entirly to us. (No, it wasn't me! Why would you ever think that??) Anyway... the link is right above you. I am looking for a better name for this soap opera, cause mine is rather stupid. Then again, most soap operas have stupid names.

Updates: Wanda has a page!
The Newest Poll:

Make sure to write comments after you vote!