my page of ME!!


Wow my life has really changed since I have updated my index page....Ok anywho.... I am NOT single..I repeat I am NOT single. Lol yeah I really really like my BF.. His name is for me to know and not you...How do I know you arn't going to try to steel his sexy ass..;) wow I really sound like a freak. Ok well my page has changed alot, so just feel free to look around. Somthings are mine and some I have taken for other places. ;) who hasn't taken somthing from another webpage. If you havn't well you may just not know it or are denying it.. You know denial isn't just a river in Eygpt...;) ok well i am going to go have a life. And prolly hang out with mah sexy boyfriend that lives in mah nahborhood...yo. I am going to keep a eye on him for all you stalers..and who want to steel his sexy ass. ;) late skees.

The Weather in Hell


My Info
Stuff I Write
My No Doubt Page
My Linkin Park Info Page
The Official Jekkel Page!!
Dolls I Have Collected and Created
Fan Fiction I Write
Avril Hate Quotes!
More About Me Questions.
My Good Charlotte Site!