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Talon's Page of My Little Pony

Hello there, so glad you could make it. My name's Talon. Well, not that I needed another site to add to my List of Sites I Have, but hey, whatever. So this is my little corner on the web dedicated to Hasbro's My Little Pony collection. I've loved the Little Ponies ever since I was a wee little girl and have continued to collect them throughout my eighteen years. I would insist that you have a look around, see what I gots, and drop me a note or something if you would. Looking forward to seeing you around again!

Where would you like to go?
My Collection
Fan Art
About Me Do you like Personality Quizzes? This is the place to find them! You can tell what I do in my spare time! ^_^
My Adopted Pets and where you can get some
Links to other sites