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WARNING: Please take this web site with a grain of salt and a pinch of perspective.

List of Webpages

-My List of Fun Things

-My Shrubbery Cult

-My Ending to Romeo
and Juliet

-My Buddiary

-My Beginner's Guide to
Being a Techie

-My 7-Footer Story

-My List of Movie

-My Explanation of
How the Sky Is Purple

-My "Useful" Spanish

-My Rant on Rodents

-My Ode to the Boys
We Know

-My Best and Worst
Pickup Lines

-My How-to Roofball

-My List of Favorite

About ME

Alright everyone welcome to my new revamped web site. I like it, personally. Its more organized. Basically I've been sitting in Web Page Design Class reorganizing everything despite the orders of the teacher. Oh well. Fourth quarter of senior year doesn't really matter anyway. So I've got pictures and sounds and all kinds of cute little things. Everything will be changed eventually so check it all out. I'd also like to mention that I hardcoded all this so it took me a forever and a day. Lemme know what you think.