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Operation Throatwabblermangrove

War has been waged!

The normal people have struck the first blow against the Pythons fans, and we must fight back. I call to all of you who wish to aid in the fight to do a few of the following things, and together we may show the world that Python fans are not to be messed with.

(NOTE: I am very anti-war, but no one will be hurt and it'll be kind fun.)

Troop Leaders-_DeadParrotSketch, Mini_Tye

Troops inlisted so far- None =(

Current Score: Nothing to report, yet.

Things you can do to help get troops

  • Recruit people to The Ministry of Silly Walks guild, via
  • Spread the word of Monty Python and of this war

Things you can do to further help the war efforts

  • Donate to the MOSW guild at
  • Keep yourself weird, watch more Monty Python
  • Expose those around you to Monty Python and other weird things
  • Support and buy items from shops marked as weird people supporting Python lovers (Or WPSPL for short)
  • Don't buy items from shops marked as normal people against Python lovers (Or, for short, NPAPL)
  • Support and buy items froms shops marked as Python lovers against oppression (or PLAO for short)

Actual fighting

  • Fight NPAPL's pets in the battledome (
  • Send weird things (Desireably Python related) to NPAPLs
  • Challenge NPAPLs to two-player games (
  • Check back in the guild and this page for more updates.