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Keep your hands and feet inside the site at all times. Do not feed the grotesqueries you may encounter. Thank you.
Links to other insanities.

My livejournal in randomness.

Here's a link to my first short screenplay, approx 30 pages.

A poem I wrote, called stained glass

Here is where you can see my updates list/random thoughts.

A page of my favorite quotes.

Some thoughts of mine on patriotism

A page on the bobs of junior high

A poem that is so far untitled

A page of various noticings

A page of things I want to do

My crack episode on paper, er html

< A Page of My Poetry

The Best Place in the World to Visit

Who am I?

I am a girl from Ohio, yes the flatlands, for all you Michiganites. I am a stubborn individual whose thought processes don't necessarily go together. I enjoy spending time with my friends, barking out of moving vehicles, and being generally facetious. Just ask my friends.

While you are visiting my site, I will try to provide many entertaining, or just random things for you to look at. We'll see how good I am at keeping that up. I will warn you now, My attention span is short, so I may not keep it up for very long.

If you ever want to know anything about me, you should just ask. You're best bet would be to call me, if you have my phone number. If not, leave me a message somehow.

Other random facts: my favorite color is blue, I love autumn, Halloween is my favorite holiday, I have many wonderful friends and family members, I currently have the best boyfriend ever, and I like socks.