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*~^*~^Believe in Fairies^*~^*~ Believe in the Fairies Who make dreams come true. Believe in the wonder, The stars and the moon. Believe in the magic, From Fairies above. They dance on the flowers, And sing songs of love. And if you just believe, And always stay true, The Fairies will be there, To watch over you! Author Unknown To Look at pictures go here: Tricia Nicknames: Tricia bob, trishy, bobbers Hobbies: Bein wit friends, doin my thing at teen dances and dancin D.O.B. June 2nd Age: 14 Material Status: ScHuYLeR Kim~ Hey hunny whats happenin!? HELL YES! lol we had 2 bury 2 guinea pigs in one day! lol! thanx for bein urself and not bein what other people want ya to be and for not takin s*hit from anyone lol its funny when u have to look up to the people ur b*itchin out cuz ur so short! u can go and water shauns bush and feed his crabs! lmao Shaun norton? RAAARRRR lol bannanas go squishy squishy oH WaIt...Not till next year rite? hEhE mY bAd!~lmaorotg! I want you, I need you, oh baby oh baby!lol hehe aint he SeXy?! member when we were watchin "IT" EVIL CLOWNS!!!! AHHHHH! friends till tha end! luv yaz Schuyler~ Hey babe whats goin on? lol the speedo guys yer bitch lmao i am jp! lol member at the teen dance when u spilled the pop and the fizz looked like jizz? lmao that was great, i love ya Molly~ hey gurl, (move over babes!) friends 4 nine years! lol we r telepathically communicated! haha thats great. gym class was the Sh!t we have the bestest times at the teen dances! We da poem queens wit Kimmy! no matter what I'll always be here if ya need to talk to someone (even if its bad) ya know ur stuffs safe wit me and always will be lylas Hannah~ Hey hun! SLIM BOB! lol ur tha greatest friend anyone could have and thanx fer alwayz bein there 4 me when i was messed up! lol,ahahaha memeber when ethan threw that spatuchula into the pizza sauce and then it splattered all over us! oooh and member when we went to tha movie wit ashley and she smashed a milk dud all over the faucet in the bathrooms!? lmao we gotta do that again soon!bloop bloop, wanna come over for sum tea and crumpets!? uh...uh...uh...uh...BAD SALAD! lmaorotg memeber on new years when we were watchin the richard simmonds them people were funny lookin! MOTION LOTION lol WE DA HICKS! WITHOUT! lylas! Jessie~ Heey whats up!? AHHH I MISS U 2! I hope u and ur bf stay 2getha 4-eva! lol my wall looks so bootyful wit the numbers 1-20(cept 12) in german lmao oh and jessie, if u were a guy, i'd f*uck u too lmaorotg, GOTTA HAVE THE ONE ON ONE!we're dorks but hey we're still cool! we have sum iiinteresting telerphone conversations! lol i am plannin the baby shower ;-) lylas Tiffany~ hey monkey, hehe member when i fell asleep durin homebase and u smacked me REALLY hard on the forehead to wake me up! and member when i was at ur house and u were on the floor and i was standin and u were like "tricia duck" and u threw a shoe and i have really slow reflexes and the shoe hit me in the head and i was like..."ow"....and that fricken box! BAWK BAWK CHICKEN CHICKEN BAWK BAWK CHICKEN HEAD! CuM tO GeT iT; iT's HoMeMaDe! its SPIFFY and FABULOUS! lmaorotg! DIVORCE lylas Jamie~ Hey babe! ur my bestest guy friend in the whole world and dont 4get it! Thanks for listenin to me all the times i was sad, miserable, or just needing a shoulder to lean on and sumone to talk to! :-), its greatly appreciated! So i juss wanna let u know that ur a great friend and i'm here when ya need to talkso i love yaz alot! "WHEN VACCUME CLEANERS ATTACK" :-) member the mall? teeeehehehe JJ Beck~ JPutz...No, I was not drunk that night after the hockey game-:-) 0okay well maybe i was...just a lil bit lol so HA and do u still need a nickel? no more water for u at teen dances! i betchya sara and robby are gonna get married AHAHA LOOK THEY ARE!, luv ya :-) Curt ~ WORD Curtage Cheese! teehehe! Didnt yo momma ever tell ya that drugs are bad lol. oh well ur still cool. hmm, Lets go count sum cows lol,i luv ya Sheena~ Ur sLuRpEe AnD i'M sTrApEe! hehe! member at the mall we saw HoBo LoUiE! lol them sox wit u sandals THEY GLOWED!DAMN CHAIRS! TaKe It OfF! shake yo rumper! lylas Emily~ Hey hunni, whats up? ur the coolest sevie i know! (thats a compliment) lol lylas Andy~ sup cuzin! haha u had to get ur hair cut! I saw Moses! *waves hard like the truck driver* *studders* "hihihihihi" U BE MACKIN ON MOLLY!Little Ceasars is the best! lmao Morgan~ hey hun, *no crotch touching!* lol, that was so funny lol u looove the a*ss! lylas James~ Wuddup FoOoO!? lol Dan~ Hey sexay whatz crackin? care to dance? lol i luv ur accent so much! luv ya Amanda~ Hey gurl whats goin on?! THE VOICES AHHHH THEIR COMING AFTER YOU! lol "lets see how long it takes them to find out were gone", OH DEAR THE PENGUINS ARE AFTER ME AGAIN! lylas Tigges~ what the hell is up with u, ever since u been hangin wit shaun u have been an asshole to me and i am SO sick of it Shaun~ ur such a lil bitch Ian~ yo wuddup, dude my ass has bruises whenever i get back from teen dances! "Well naturally we call it gatoraaaaid!" lmao Russell~ will u laugh fer me again? lmao ~BECAUSE YOU ARE MY FRIEND...~When you are sad,I will get you drunk and help you plot revenge against the scum sucking bastard who made you sad.When you are scared,I will laugh at you and tease you about it every chance I get.When you are worried,I will tell you how much worse it could be and to quit complaining.When you are confused,I will use little words to explain it to your dumb ass.When you are lost,I will answer my cell phone and give you directions.When you are sick,I will hold your hair while you pay homage to the porcelain God.When you fall,I will point and laugh at your clumsy ass.This is my oath, I pledge till the end.Why you may ask? Because you're my friend :-) \/ GuestGEAR Code by \/ View My Guestbook Sign My Guestbook /\ End GuestGEAR Code /\ v- pass-it-onGEAR Code by -v ^- End pass-it-onGEAR Code -^ v- PollGEAR Code by -v ^- End PollGEAR Code -^ v- textGEAR Code by -v ^- End textGEAR Code -^ View or Post to our Message Board! MoOnBaBy6288 (10:03:15 PM): MoOnBaBy6288 wants to directly connect (10:01:45 PM). MoOnBaBy6288 is now directly connected (10:01:46 PM). MoOnBaBy6288 (10:02:42 PM): *~^*~^Believe in Fairies^*~^*~ Believe in the Fairies Who make dreams come true. Believe in the wonder, The stars and the moon. Believe in the magic, From Fairies above. They dance on the flowers, And sing songs of love. And if you just believe, And always stay true, The Fairies will be there, To watch over you! Author Unknown To Look at pictures go here: Tricia Nicknames: Tricia bob, trishy, bobbers Hobbies: Bein wit friends, doin my thing at teen dances and dancin D.O.B. June 2nd Age: 14 Material Status: ScHuYLeR Kim~ Hey hunny whats happenin!? HELL YES! lol we had 2 bury 2 guinea pigs in one day! lol! thanx for bein urself and not bein what other people want ya to be and for not takin s*hit from anyone lol its funny when u have to look up to the people ur b*itchin out cuz ur so short! u can go and water shauns bush and feed his crabs! lmao Shaun norton? RAAARRRR lol bannanas go squishy squishy oH WaIt...Not till next year rite? hEhE mY bAd!~lmaorotg! I want you, I need you, oh baby oh baby!lol hehe aint he SeXy?! member when we were watchin "IT" EVIL CLOWNS!!!! AHHHHH! friends till tha end! luv yaz Schuyler~ Hey babe whats goin on? lol the speedo guys yer bitch lmao i am jp! lol member at the teen dance when u spilled the pop and the fizz looked like jizz? lmao that was great, i love ya Molly~ hey gurl, (move over babes!) friends 4 nine years! lol we r telepathically communicated! haha thats great. gym class was the Sh!t we have the bestest times at the teen dances! We da poem queens wit Kimmy! no matter what I'll always be here if ya need to talk to someone (even if its bad) ya know ur stuffs safe wit me and always will be lylas Hannah~ Hey hun! SLIM BOB! lol ur tha greatest friend anyone could have and thanx fer alwayz bein there 4 me when i was messed up! lol,ahahaha memeber when ethan threw that spatuchula into the pizza sauce and then it splattered all over us! oooh and member when we went to tha movie wit ashley and she smashed a milk dud all over the faucet in the bathrooms!? lmao we gotta do that again soon!bloop bloop, wanna come over for sum tea and crumpets!? uh...uh...uh...uh...BAD SALAD! lmaorotg memeber on new years when we were watchin the richard simmonds them people were funny lookin! MOTION LOTION lol WE DA HICKS! WITHOUT! lylas! Jessie~ Heey whats up!? AHHH I MISS U 2! I hope u and ur bf stay 2getha 4-eva! lol my wall looks so bootyful wit the numbers 1-20(cept 12) in german lmao oh and jessie, if u were a guy, i'd f*uck u too lmaorotg, GOTTA HAVE THE ONE ON ONE!we're dorks but hey we're still cool! we have sum iiinteresting telerphone conversations! lol i am plannin the baby shower ;-) lylas Tiffany~ hey monkey, hehe member when i fell asleep durin homebase and u smacked me REALLY hard on the forehead to wake me up! and member when i was at ur house and u were on the floor and i was standin and u were like "tricia duck" and u threw a shoe and i have really slow reflexes and the shoe hit me in the head and i was like..."ow"....and that fricken box! BAWK BAWK CHICKEN CHICKEN BAWK BAWK CHICKEN HEAD! CuM tO GeT iT; iT's HoMeMaDe! its SPIFFY and FABULOUS! lmaorotg! DIVORCE lylas Jamie~ Hey babe! ur my bestest guy friend in the whole world and dont 4get it! Thanks for listenin to me all the times i was sad, miserable, or just needing a shoulder to lean on and sumone to talk to! :-), its greatly appreciated! So i juss wanna let u know that ur a great friend and i'm here when ya need to talkso i love yaz alot! "WHEN VACCUME CLEANERS ATTACK" :-) member the mall? teeeehehehe JJ Beck~ JPutz...No, I was not drunk that night after the hockey game-:-) 0okay well maybe i was...just a lil bit lol so HA and do u still need a nickel? no more water for u at teen dances! i betchya sara and robby are gonna get married AHAHA LOOK THEY ARE!, luv ya :-) Curt ~ WORD Curtage Cheese! teehehe! Didnt yo momma ever tell ya that drugs are bad lol. oh well ur still cool. hmm, Lets go count sum cows lol,i luv ya Sheena~ Ur sLuRpEe AnD i'M sTrApEe! hehe! member at the mall we saw HoBo LoUiE! lol them sox wit u sandals THEY GLOWED!DAMN CHAIRS! TaKe It OfF! shake yo rumper! lylas Emily~ Hey hunni, whats up? ur the coolest sevie i know! (thats a compliment) lol lylas Andy~ sup cuzin! haha u had to get ur hair cut! I saw Moses! *waves hard like the truck driver* *studders* "hihihihihi" U BE MACKIN ON MOLLY!Little Ceasars is the best! lmao Morgan~ hey hun, *no crotch touching!* lol, that was so funny lol u looove the a*ss! lylas James~ Wuddup FoOoO!? lol Dan~ Hey sexay whatz crackin? care to dance? lol i luv ur accent so much! luv ya Amanda~ Hey gurl whats goin on?! THE VOICES AHHHH THEIR COMING AFTER YOU! lol "lets see how long it takes them to find out were gone", OH DEAR THE PENGUINS ARE AFTER ME AGAIN! lylas Tigges~ what the hell is up with u, ever since u been hangin wit shaun u have been an asshole to me and i am SO sick of it Shaun~ ur such a lil bitch Ian~ yo wuddup, dude my ass has bruises whenever i get back from teen dances! "Well naturally we call it gatoraaaaid!" lmao Russell~ will u laugh fer me again? lmao ~BECAUSE YOU ARE MY FRIEND...~When you are sad,I will get you drunk and help you plot revenge against the scum sucking bastard who made you sad.When you are scared,I will laugh at you and tease you about it every chance I get.When you are worried,I will tell you how much worse it could be and to quit complaining.When you are confused,I will use little words to explain it to your dumb ass.When you are lost,I will answer my cell phone and give you directions.When you are sick,I will hold your hair while you pay homage to the porcelain God.When you fall,I will point and laugh at your clumsy ass.This is my oath, I pledge till the end.Why you may ask? Because you're my friend :-) \/ GuestGEAR Code by \/ View My Guestbook Sign My Guestbook /\ End GuestGEAR Code /\ v- pass-it-onGEAR Code by -v ^- End pass-it-onGEAR Code -^ v- PollGEAR Code by -v ^- End PollGEAR Code -^ v- textGEAR Code by -v ^- End textGEAR Code -^ View or Post to our Message Board!

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