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Born 1998
Quarter Horse Cross
Red roan snowflake appaloosa

Owned by Banbury Farm
Ridden by Paulina Zaborska

Shown 5 times at age 4
Reserve Champion-
Ridgelawn Schooling Show 2' August 2002 (Reserve, no ribbon)
Banbury Farm Derby 2'6 October 2002
Several Christmas Open House ribbons December 1st 2002


Full Name:: Montana
NickNames:: Monty, Nanners, Banana, Monster (many lovingly started by Andrew -many thanks to him ;)
Breed:: Quarter Horse, might have a bit of something else
Colour:: Hmmm....hard. I like to say he's a red roan snowflake appaloosa. if you have any arguements there, please send them in :P
Birthdate: As we got him at an auction, all we know is that he's a late 1998 baby.
Likes: jumper; cross-country; oatmeal cookies; hard candies; being scratched just down the side of the poll; candycanes!
Dislikes:taffe and caramel; being pulled at; being turned out with others; being trotted past; chocolate; lollipops
Favourite jumps:drops and banks; anything crosscountry and jumper!
History: All I know is his history since he arrived at Banbury. He came here as an early three year old. Sarah had apparently really liked him, since she had bought him lame without seeing him trot. Turns out that the only reason he was lame was cuz he'd had a bottlecap stuck in his hoof. ouch. He was a funny looking three year old and had a LOT of filling out to do. He had typical pathetic QH conformation with a mega high croup, low, short neck and tiny hindquarters. Coming here, he knew nothing. He was saddle broke and broke to ride, but thats about it. I remember, Sarah's first and only instructions when I first got on: don't touch his mouth and try to get him to walk and trot when he will. Wow has he ever come far since then. His personality then...wasn't pleasing. he basicly hadn't been a horse you wanted to ride. Everytime I got on, I felt as though he was arguing with me during the whole ride. Cutting corners just for the sake of it. it just wasn't pleasnt. Some horses are green but it feels like they wanna learn, not him. Back then I didnt really have the time to work with him, so a green, um, rider trotted him around every now and then. Then halfway through spring my best friend Chrisie rode him for a while. It was often a battle between our friends over who had to ride him this time. Then, right as school was about to start, I started riding him to my dissapointment. But soon, he began to soften up, all buttery and stuff. I eventually got him to basicly stop his nipping...sorta...and started working with him more. Now he's a totally agreeable, fun, unspookable, sane, happy-go-lucky 4 y/o! And he's getting better every day!



The day started later than most shows and even then Andrew and I had to wait for an extra 2 hours longer than the others. Our horses were showing in the second devision so we could stay at Banbury and wait instead of heading out there right away. First off, I re-braided some of Andrew's braids, then chased him around a bit with the camera. Soon after that we decided to be good students and bring in some super-heavy poles. We collaped after a few rounds and gave ourselves a 'well deserved' break. Unfortunately, in the next hour we couldnt seem to find a spare moment to finish off the task, what with all the sitting around to do and all. Once we finally got to the show, we went through the usual routine of tacking up one handedly and freezing until the Windamere's finally finish their half hour warmup. Starting my warmup round, it was pathetic. I made lots of strange unwanted sound affects over those 2' hurdles, left behind after most of them. Sarah laughed at me :( Afterwards I got myself together though. i could almost hear Monty thinking, 'what the heck is she doing up there??' I was last to go for out class, but thank heavens it was back-to-back. Monty did his courses great, and I was VERY proud of him. The flat didnt go so well. He got his canter lead wrong three times so after I while I just decided to give up since the canter was almost over. Behaviour wise he was really good though. Andrew got a few ribbons in that division, not sure what though, and Jen and Polo got CHAMPION!!!! Whoohoo and a saddlepad too!! Go team go!! I think I saw the girl I was supposed to lease a horse from (who afterwards stopped returning my calls and I later found from meli that she had leased him out to a beginner.) Andrew and I quickly got Monty and Acorn home, but the others stayed for the Equitation division. Some refusals there. I soaked monty's foot and poulticed it, and there ya go! now the next big thing -the Royal Winter Fair!!!!!!!!!!!


The Derby Day finally arrived and passed with much success! We were there bright and early and ready to muck :) Monty didnt seem to realize what was happening, he only looked up when I took him out to tack up half an hour before our class! He was as calm as an experienced shower duriong the warmup, but wow did he fly over that x-country 2' course! I wasnt sure about our turns, but somehow we got over them! Unfortunately, he decided a refusal was in good turn at the very end of the jumper part of our course. Elimination. But no worries, he was forgiven as he's just a baby -and maybe a tad bit spoiled ;) The second course went much much better. I put a stronger bit on himbut gave him his head this time, and he was much happier. he didnt even look at the bank, a totally new jump for the both of us. A good gallop between the x-country jumps and awesome turns. He got in at an awkward angle to the logs and jumped them from practically a walk! Many "Good boys" to him! Unfortunately, we had one refusal at the darned kandy kanes -everyone hates them! After that he was perfect though, and I even got a compliment from sarah! Whoohoo for us!!

Check out Banbury Farm!!
Monty's PROGRESS!!


MUCH MUCH more to come as his showing career and training takes way!

Till next time,
